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Record Book Withdrawals

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any of you guys ever met don lewis? he's a heck of a guy. just misunderstood. as far as dahmer and manson, yeah, i think they were ok too. at at least they didn't think the rest o' the world had to think like they did just cuz they said so. Lark.

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Please enlighten us on just how Mr. Lewis is misunderstood and what a great guy he is?

Don Lewis went on his own little annual hunting trip to Jellystone Park for nine consecutive years.

According to reports he killed at least ( 9 ) elk, he admitted that he killed at least one elk every year in yellowstone from 1983 - 1991 and sometimes more than one per year. In 1991 alone (the year he was caught) he was found with video of him shooting at 13 Elk, of which at least ( 9 ) of them died. Had video of at least one elk walking around with several arrows sticking out of it's guts.

He broke game laws in at least 4 States.

Was found in Utah in the Paunsaugaunt with ( 8 ) dead bucks in 1991.

That's just the stuff he got caught for.

YEA ! I'd say he is one heck of a guy. I can only hope that someday I get to meet him.

You said on a earlier thread that you don't know any poachers, don't or would'nt associate with them if you knew they poached. You my friend are a walking talking contradiction.

Lark, this guy is one of the worst and most flagrant poachers that I have ever heard of. He got off so freaking easy it's not even funny. I would guess that if he or someone in this day and age pulled the crap he did and got caught they would never get out of jail.

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i've never even heard of the guy before, muleloper. goodnight. you and adhd need to find another guy to convert. this ol' dude is too set in his ways. you guys are just too easy.

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.270, I sent some great Darner info to Wetmule today. He is gonna work on getting it posted while I work on my Utah elk hunt. If he can figure out how, it's gonna happen .270, and when it does you're gonna be discredited on this forum just as quickly as Darner was in 1990. You're gonna crawl off and lick your wounds while Wetmule and I are gonna be the winners. Maybe you can just move into Kirt's place and you and him just cower in shame in the corner of his walk-in freezer (lol, Wetmule). Just remember to remove the top piece of your skull plate before you go in there .270, since they ain't allowed in there. The only way you can redeem yourself after this happens is to apologize to us and all CW members and admit that you were wrong and we were right. That's your only chance.


Then the score will be:


Wetmule + CHD = 2

Lark + Coziah + Darner + Lewis + AZ hillbilly mentality = 0


On another note tonite .270, I have nicknamed my bull after you! He walks and looks like a mule, has a great big head, refuses to leave his home turf, refuses to change his habits, is completely predictable, won't keep his gd mouth closed, and IS DEAF! I nicknamed him Lark so that I can associate his chest with your opinions and uninformed facts and I will be able to quickly and easily BLOW A HOLE THROUGH IT without hesitation!



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Lark, you remind me of one of my older brothers - and I love that man.

CHD, I am praying for you.


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man, i've seen some dumb folks in my life, but muleloper and adhd are plum 'tarded. i'll say it again, I-DON'T-CARE. don't care what ya say about Darner. never even heard of this lewis guy. the coziah deal is all new to me. and again, I-DON'T-CARE. i'm just tryin' to kill some time before oct 1 and i get to start huntin' for reals. hey adhd, when you "win", whatter ya gonna win? you gettin' a prize for arguin' with a guy that's been pullin' yer chain for a month? sheesh, what a maroon. like Doc Holliday said as he was croakin' "this is funny".....Lark.

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.270, good way to attempt to save face, pal. Act like you were just funnin' and don't care, huh? I'm not surprised. You DO CARE, since you started this stuff on Coziah and Darner before I came on here and corrected you, remember??? Thought you would get away with it, didn't ya? If you're in doubt, review the posts here, same as everyone else can. You went first with your strong, uninformed opinions and statements about phonies. I win.


Rembrandt, please do indeed pray for me! Just randomly cruising this forum and reading the incredibly shallow crap causes me great aggravation and certainly brings out my sarcastic/satirical side at times just for my own mental stimulation.





PS- Lark, I was just reading the book "Wyoming's Finest Mule Deer" on my elk hunt. The Coziah poaching story is right there in print, just for you.

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aw man, cwd, just when i got the stink outta my nose from the last buncha crap you smeared around here. look dummy, i'll spain it one more time. I-DON'T-CARE. really. you believe whatever you want. i'll believe whatever i want. if cal coziah is a convicted poacher, fine. I-DON'T-CARE. bad on him. hope he got hammered to the max. but until you injected that here, i'd never heard of it. sorry i don't keep up on current events. trackin' poachers ain't one o' my pastimes. i've never even heard of this lewis guy. guess i don't run in the right crowds to keep up on all the trophy poachers out there. and again, I-DON'T-CARE. glad he got caught. glad he got hammered. to bad it wasn't worse. but I-DON'T-CARE. it's over with. and it was over with before i ever even knew it happened. and as far as Kirt's deal. I-DON'T-CARE. it's done with. he payed a huge price and in my opinion, that's my opinion now, not yours, not mule lopers, mine, it was a bogus setup from the beginning, started by a convicted pervert. you believe what you wanna believe, i'll believe what i wanna believe. I-DON'T-CARE what you think, about anything. really. your as insignificant to me as the weather or the penguins at the north pole or unicorns or bigfoot, etc. for some reason you've decided that i'm some cause worth pursuing. some fraud that needs exposing. all because i sorta know one guy, one guy, that i think got a raw deal. believe what you want. I-DON'T-CARE. i'm just a beat up ol' desert cowboy who's best days were a long time ago and who likes to listen to these whippersnappers on this site, because they remind me o' me, 20 years ago. gungho, full o' piss n' vinegar and ready to rock n' roll. guys that like to hunt, because they like to hunt. guys who like to see the dawn explode over neat places and then watch that same sun burn out in the evening. guys who like to smell the gunsmoke when they open the bolt after crackin' one off across a canyon at a big one. not "educated scientists" (see-surveyor) who like to brag about their kills and fantasize about crap. you hunt for the wrong reasons. you hunt to brag. to validate your existence. to show off. you don't hunt for the whole experience. probably look at the birds and chipmunks and brush and trees as just something that gets in your way or bothers you while you're after the big one. you've insulted and threatened me on this site. and from what i've gathered, insulted about everyone else here too. whatever. over the years i've been shot, stabbed, snakebit and lightning struck. been bucked off everyway you can think of. been drug, kicked and stomped. fought a bear hand to hand and won, choked a lion to death with a belt. if you think some loser with a computer scares or intimidates me, best think it over again. get a life punk. and remember, when it comes to you or any opinion you have, I-DON'T-CARE. i also wanna apologize to the good folks and Amanda for havin' to endure this junk. oh yeah, i'm done with ya too, cwd. don't bother tryin' to get me to even read anything you write. sincerely, with much thought and care, Lark Hubbard, Queen Creek, Az.

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Sounds to me Carbon dating aside fo course you did not submit to an book based on respect for the animal. You di dit to see your name in the book. If you respected the animal why did'nt you put its name in the book instead of yours. This site is a good place to come to chat and gain info regarding something we all have a common interest in. HUNTING. Not bitching! Save it for your campfire. I took the time to read the entire string and its not hard to determine you are looking for an argument. Wanna talk about hunting or your hunts we would be glad to read about it. If your here to bitch go were not really interrested.


.270/Lark is a contributor to the dialog on this site and a respected person regardless fo how inappropately you chose to treat him.

I am sure he does not appreciate it nor do the rest of us.

Net Net CHD We're not your drinikng buddies are are offended by your crap!

Edited by gnoto

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