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Record Book Withdrawals

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did somebody say somethin' or was is just a huge suckin' sound? blah blah blah blah blah..................... guess you're the kinda guy that thinks everyones opinion's are fine as long as they're the same as yours. so you're guessin' i'm Kirt? that's funny, tell me another one. 10,000 comedians outta work and you're tellin' jokes for free. next time i talk to him i'll tell him that. he'll get a laugh out of it too. related? nope, wrong again, dueling banjo picker. but i'm guessin' you're real closely related your family. close friend? nah, good friend maybe. seldom see him. the only person i have to convince is me. and i did that years ago. i get along with myself pretty well too. you oughta try it. and i ain't "claimin'" nothin'. it's the truth. something you have a hard time with. like you have a hard time with science, photos, first hand testimony, etc. live in stupidity. go ahead. i-don't-care. look at your "mounts" and tell yourself how smart ya are. "educated scientist"!?! that's a hoot. surveyors are scientists? probly rich, 10 feet tall, good lookin' and bullet proof too. this ain't worth the effort. see ya'll in the funny papers....... Lark, aka Kirt Darner..........

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Whack!.............Whack!...............Whack! What's that sound? Hear it everybody? What the heck is it? Whack!.............Whack! There it is again! Know what it is??? It's the sound of CHD and Wetmule beating a dead horse! I don't think this horse is gonna get up and work, Wetmule. We better just give it up and go find a live one.


Since I am a smart, educated scientist and a wannabe rich guy, I spend a lot of time thinking deeply about a possible invention that will make me rich so that I can go huntin' all the time. This thread has me thinking again, and today I discovered the answer! I am going to invent, design and patent the CHD Portable Skull Thickness Measuring Device! This device will be hand-held and will use magnetic resonance imaging technology to send ultrasound waves into a live, human skull and will give a printout with the persons skull thickness! In order to do it right, I need a super-thick skull (maybe even the world's thickest!) to test my prototype on, because if it will measure the world's thickest skull accurately, it will certainly measure normal people's skulls correctly. Can any of you point me in the direction of the optimum testing subject? I understand he resides in Arizona, and frequents this forum quite regularly.


I say we start a thread titled "Are civil engineers the same as surveyors?" We could even make it a "poll" thread. Maybe Amanda could even offer a prize or something. What do you all think?




Seriously tho, if any of you are ever in Montrose, Colorado stop in at The Buck Stop Pawn Shop, no admission. Most of the Darner collection is on display there, plus many other monsters. It is the best monster muley display I've seen outside of Schaufler's, which is now Cabela's, and is definitely worth the trip. Man, there are at least 20 bucks over 200", with several that have 210-215 typical frames. Also the 43"/285 velvet buck shown in Kirt's book and his 216 frame 1996 Sonora buck. Basically, the 'barn photo' bucks are displayed there, with the exception of the 270" 10x10, 38" buck that Dean Naylor killed on the Kaibab in 1948 (you all know the one). I understand that the Naylor buck isn't displayed because it triggered too many fistfights among the customers.



Edited by CHD

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25-06, it's like the old sayin' about rasslin' with a pig. after awhile, if you ain't too dumb, you realize the pig likes it. adhd and lopemule ain't figgerd that out yet. Lark.

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There is another one of these high-profile hunters that got exposed in the early '90's. This is really quite a good story. His name is Don Lewis.


He is a red-headed bowhunter from Alabama. He was in his 30's at the time. He was really famous at the time, appearing in many vids, magazines, TV shows, and equipment ads regularly. Like some of these other phonies, poachers and liars, he got exposed right at his peak in popularity and income from his fame and respect. He was known to have many P & Y animals of many species from all over.


Anyway, he was caught camping and hunting on the Paunsaugunt in Utah with an AZ archery tag. Claimed he was hunting the Strip. The warden got to checking out his camp, and he had several dead muleys stashed in the brush around his camp, with no UT tag. He was shopping for the biggest buck he could get. Then they searched his belongings, and found his diary and some vids he had made that he kept right there in his camp!!! They got to reviewing this stuff, and the stupid sob had vids of himself poaching elk in Yellowstone with a bow! Also, the ignorant $%&*# had logged all this in his diary and had a plan written where he was gonna shoot an eastern whitey and drive it to AZ in January and claim it was a new world record Coues deer!!! He even had the exact route that he would drive logged in writing!


It gets better. He was the Browning poster boy as well as a Cabela's stud. Browning was in the process of printing their new catalogs when he was busted and exposed. They had to trash a bunch of catalogs and reprint them with a new cover. This guy crashed and burned pretty quickly.



Lark, if you come on here now and start saying that this bozo is innocent because the warden that nailed him is a quiet loner who liked to coach boys little league and boy scouts, I'm gonna drive straight to Arizona and you and I are gonna rumble.



Edited by CHD

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I am pretty sure you are refering to Don Lewis! He used to be the Browning Archery poster boy. I am not sure of all the allegations but I thought he did do jail time. Coues Addict

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Coues Addict,


I did a web search after posting and found his name, so I edited mine accordingly. Thanks for the help.



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Have you ever hunted north of Collbran in the kimball creek area, or what we call dry kimball? My dad and uncle have taken some big bucks out of there over the years but last few years in there we have had very little success, possible due to a guide i believe Wallace that sets up camp close by. That is some of my favorite country just wondering if you knew of it. later

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i know don lewis and he is a good friend. he got screwed over just like so many other guys that have spent their lives establishing a reputation, just to be drug down by those jealous sob's that can't keep up, and by those that have to perpetuate the rumors and lies. Lark.

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Well we can all take 270's word for it, as we all know by now as long as he believes it, it must be true. OR we can all find out for ourselves just what a wonderful guy Mr. Don Lewis is.


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