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I just thought of something, out here there is this kinda new deal with Facebook called swip swap or something , you can get on and post that for the local area meaning wickenburg, Wittmann, surprise. A lot more visibility there. Just say its your long lost brother your looking for.

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Good luck, if those cameras were left on public land they are considered abandoned. Aka litter.

Thanks judge judy.
looks like judge Judy thinks it's ok to take other people's property!!!
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This needs to be shared on some more social media.


Do you have any pics of him actually damaging your property? Just curious. (It's clear this dirt bag is the one who did it)

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Seems like some people think if I go out into the desert or the mountains and stappled $100 dollar bills to trees, and come back days, week, months later should I be shocked when they were gone when i came back? i should stomp my feet and threaten that i am going to "Meet" the person i think is doing it.

Especially after years and years of the $100 bills missing..... You leave your stuff out in public land do not be surprised it disappears. there is no law on the books protecting the property. it is the same as leaving trash in the woods.

the constant boohooing and veiled threats will only do one thing. Get cameras banned, get blinds and tree stands limited to only when in use and must be removed at the end of the day.

The definition of insanity, doing the same thing again and again and expecting a different result.

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Seems like some people think if I go out into the desert or the mountains and stappled $100 dollar bills to trees, and come back days, week, months later should I be shocked when they were gone when i came back? i should stomp my feet and threaten that i am going to "Meet" the person i think is doing it.

Especially after years and years of the $100 bills missing..... You leave your stuff out in public land do not be surprised it disappears. there is no law on the books protecting the property. it is the same as leaving trash in the woods.

the constant boohooing and veiled threats will only do one thing. Get cameras banned, get blinds and tree stands limited to only when in use and must be removed at the end of the day.

The definition of insanity, doing the same thing again and again and expecting a different result.

I don't think people are suprised anymore, disgusted is more appropriate. Why do you think it's ok to just take something that is not yours. Your probably the kind of person who finds a wallet in the parking lot and takes it, what's the difference you found it on public land

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Seems like some people think if I go out into the desert or the mountains and stappled $100 dollar bills to trees, and come back days, week, months later should I be shocked when they were gone when i came back? i should stomp my feet and threaten that i am going to "Meet" the person i think is doing it.

Especially after years and years of the $100 bills missing..... You leave your stuff out in public land do not be surprised it disappears. there is no law on the books protecting the property. it is the same as leaving trash in the woods.

the constant boohooing and veiled threats will only do one thing. Get cameras banned, get blinds and tree stands limited to only when in use and must be removed at the end of the day.

The definition of insanity, doing the same thing again and again and expecting a different result.

Your an idiot... Bottom line is its stealing. .if it doesn't belong to you don't touch it..if you set up a nice camp and decide to backpack up the mountain for a couple of days does that consider your camp to be abanded? Would that then give someone the right to come in and take it?
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couesassain , typical of the assumptions people like you have. read the law chucklehead, perhaps you will learn something about public land and abandoned property. skip the insults and try to use that brain of yours. so your saying if some one finds a wallet on the ground to leave it on the ground? after all the person may just be walking around the parking lot right? there coming back for it right? you know you just convinced me, from now on if I find a trail cam or a blind I will take it and do what I do with a wallet. turn it into the local law enforcement personnel. great idea Coues thank you. pack it in pack it out, leave with more than you started and all that. only you can prevent forest fires.

bigbuckkiller perhaps you should go read the regulations, rather than name calling, just giving you the facts. you leave your camp abandoned for a few days it is abandoned. NOT allowed to do that. The forest service can and will remove it. just like a car will get a ticket and towed. reading, its your friend.

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Seems like some people think if I go out into the desert or the mountains and stappled $100 dollar bills to trees, and come back days, week, months later should I be shocked when they were gone when i came back? i should stomp my feet and threaten that i am going to "Meet" the person i think is doing it.

Especially after years and years of the $100 bills missing..... You leave your stuff out in public land do not be surprised it disappears. there is no law on the books protecting the property. it is the same as leaving trash in the woods.

the constant boohooing and veiled threats will only do one thing. Get cameras banned, get blinds and tree stands limited to only when in use and must be removed at the end of the day.

The definition of insanity, doing the same thing again and again and expecting a different result.

Go away.

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Quite often I park my truck and make a "base camp" at the bottom of the mountain. Often times I only spend a day or so there but pack deeper into my hunting area with a backpack. It is not abandoned, it is in use as a base camp.


As for trail cameras even though I may not use them very often, I do not have much use for people that would destroy, steal,vandilize another person's property. If it bothers you report it to the governing agency.

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Did you expect a different result?? Placing trail cameras on Castle hot springs road, where a tweeker like the one who stole your camera roams, is not a smart move. Did you expect any different? Put your cameras further in, and avoid this problem. I think it is terrible that he took YOUR stuff, but I would expect nothing less in todays' society. It is a tough world, protect yourself and do not leave yourself vulnerable to the scum that exists today.

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