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Some good tips from FB

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Saw this on Facebook in the predators forum, good tips for starters.


Basics of varmit calling that can make or break your stand.


1. When approaching a stand location you must be silent. No talking..whisper if you must talk or use sign language.

2. Don't slam the doors on your vehicle and for sure don't lock the doors with remote that will sound the horn...if you do this might as well go back home.

3. Don't make any metalic noises by clanging metal.

4. When you arrive at parking spot sit in vehicle silently for 5 mins or so before you exit vehicle to let the dogs forget what they just heard...A vehicle approach.

5. Try to approach stand downwind.

6. Wear full camo...gloves, face mask and have some brush at your back to breakup you outline.

7. Don't go to the same stand spot over and over unless you are having success each time...thats not likely. When pro's go calling they will do at least 10 stands a day.

8. Pr-scout your calling area and talk to farmers and ranchers....they will tell where they see the dogs.


Watch your call volume and keep it low initially and try different sounds.

10. Set up stand where you have good visibility..like a small clearing with the callers hiding in a brush line. Won't do you any good to call them if you can't see them when they get there and you will never know you even called one in.

Most everything I have written here are rules that i follow with and if your just starting off calling you would be wise to take heed. Good luck!

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