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Here we go again

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Looks like we are going to have affirmative action in the Oscars now.

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PC is eating their own. Sit back and enjoy.

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You care about the Oscars? J.K. I think I am going to Start a Go fund Me for starting W.E.T. ( White Entertainment Television ) :ph34r: ... Then we can have the WET Awards and they can Have The BET Awards and the Oscars would still be as meaningless as they are today !

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I dont think its about the Oscars. There is a bit more to it. And white aint right in society. I gotta stop.

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Ain't no colored folks any good at akkin this year is all. Plain and simple.

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The Oscars were always corrupt. There are no good actors these days anyway. Just a bunch of silly phoneys. I vote for Sean Penn for loser of the year bad actor.

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Any time they let a fruity little twerp play a bad@$$ like Hugh Glass, things are messed up. My rule is if it has horses or Tommy Lee Jones in it, I'll watch it. Lark

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as long as they dont cut back the tags to white folks in the elk draw i dont give a chit.




but i kinda want to see the revenant movie

Looks like a good movie, but Leonardo is another "Cult of Hollywoood" douche nozzle. He's always crying about Global warming, while flying around in his private jet, that spews hydrocarbons by the ton.

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