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Land access

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19a and 19b. Which ranches are worth paying trespass fees and which aren't? I have 22 points and who knows maybe I'll draw a tag. I'd like to hold out for an 80"+ buck. I was told by someone that the Perkins ranch in 19a isn't allowing hunting at this time due to "family issues"??? How is the public land access in 19b and are there any decent bucks to hunt on the public land? I'm a little more familiar with 19a, but not a ton about either. Thanks.

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We used to hunt 19B a lot for antelope before the dramatic tag decrease. We shot some decent bucks on Nat'l Forest Land. I know nothing about 19A.......

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I know Shane well and this is simply not true. You have received some bad info,probably someone steering you in a different direction.

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I don't think it was malicious, the guy I got it from is also friendly with the family. I think he got some bad info.

Let's keep that as the story ;) no antelope in 19a anyhow. Except on the Perkins and it's closed for family issues :)

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Six years ago I hunted the ranch south of Perkins and I believe the price was 500. Plenty of bucks and the ranch manager gave me a key. No scouting was allowed while other hunts we're going on.

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i had a 19a tag and seemed to see bigger bucks across the road in 19b. I didn't pay any access fees, but I heard about some bigger bucks coming off Perkins the year I had my tag. A friend hunted Perkins several years ago and was happy with the experience.

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I would have a hard time cashing in all those bonus points on a 19A tag, personally. Especially if you are looking at a rifle tag. IMHO

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I would have a hard time cashing in all those bonus points on a 19A tag, personally. Especially if you are looking at a rifle tag. IMHO

Ditto. I would consider a muzzy tag in there if I were you. Won't be anything worthy of that many points left by rifle season.

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Heaven knows I don't know much but for what it's worth (also not much) here it is. You can hunt the Deep Well ranch in either unit, for free, walk in only. Besides that 19b is fairly slim pickings, but you don't need much more than that. The perkinsville ranch in 19a is a crap shoot. Last I checked they only let a couple guys on the ranch and you had to pay up front to get in there. But there was no way to tell what was going to be on the ranch come the hunt when you paid a grand or more in April or May. It's a dicey prospect for an AZ antelope hunt but typically 80"+ is very do able.


Has anybody heard how the hints went last year with the reduced tags? I know 2014it was all doom and gloom and all the muzzleloader guys said that the gene pool had been shot out for the next quarter century or so.

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Flatlander is correct. The deep well in 19-B is accessed by foot for no fees. My Son Ryan got a nice buck off that ranch 4 years ago. The Campbell ranch up north is part of this unit and for a while Chad Smith was guiding there, but I heard that he wasn't welcome any longer, so you might try talking with them about access. There is also the "Mini-ranchs" south of 40 that hold antelope, but buy the Az GPS chip with private / public boundries.

Even after you draw a tag there is no easy answer.


Try unit 9, lots of public land and less pressure.


Good luck

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