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First Bow/ First Javelina kill/First Solo

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So this hunt ended up being a lot of firsts for me, my first bow hunt, first javelina and first time solo. Basically all my buddies had to bail on the hunt early. I was out with the bow trying to get a deer but could never close the distance enough to where I felt comfortable taking a shot. On my walk back from where I had seen a group of deer earlier in the morning I was walking back in a wash and heard some snorting and rooting around, but when I put my pack down I startled them too. I had ordered a javelina call but it hadn't shown up yet, but I had some hunting app the had a javelina distress call on it on my phone so I gave it a shot. Sure enough about half of them came running back and I took down the one that stood still. Sorry for the bad picture, my phone was dieing so I didn't get a follow up picture, and the sun was going down fast so I was trying to get it field dressed while I still had light. It was a long, dark and stinky walk back




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Congratulations on your very first pig. Thanks for sharing and welcome to CWT.



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Congrats on your first javelina with a bow! I reconnected with that passion a week ago tomorrow. Great feeling, isn't it?

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