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Az gun sales law question

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So like always snowbirds are here! My question is if someone is here from Alaska but they are a ffl what is law for selling to them? Thank you also not looking for what future holds just what is legal now.

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  On 1/18/2016 at 4:04 AM, 520HUNT said:

As a private citizen you are not required to check ID to sell a firearm.

Ok now that sounds off for az law. In this case im wondering about az AND federal law. I just know those who are not aupposed to be buying guns usually talk a whole bunch saying how it is all legal. So for instance if legal in az but is federal offense.. Well i like my retirement check so not gonna break atf rules either. In this case a alaska resident wintering in az with ffl license.. Now from what i understand those guns would have ro be shipped to ffl in alaska i dont think he can take possesion here but not sure


Not sure how you would know someone is az resident without a glance at drivers license:

Private Sales in Arizona

Posted on Wednesday, August 19th, 2015

Arizona has no law requiring a background check on the purchaser of a firearm when the seller is not a licensed dealer, although no person may knowingly sell or transfer a deadly weapon to a prohibited possessor.1 All sales are also subject to Arizonas age restrictions. Arizona has no other laws regulating the manner in which guns are sold.


But check fed law for sales to non residents

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Have you been trained to evaluate someone's Id to make sure it's not a fraud document or to detect if it is actually their document? Only a trained law enforcement person can do that. That's why when a FFL does a background check they don't call you! They call the background clearing house manned by law enforcement personel. Basically as long as the buyer doesn't tell you they are a prohibited possesor, or as long as they appear to be of age you are good to go. As far as where a person is from...how do you determine residency? You going to call the,MVD or local utilities to confirm? How long does someone have to live here to be considered a resident? If they moved here yesterday, are they a resident now? Or if they are a winter visitor, arnt they residing here for a few months?

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Ok anybody who is not "1 of those guys" got any info? Im not interested in what someone feels should be the law im actually interested in law specifically surrounding a ffl buying while out of his home state.

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d. Outside State of Residency - A person may not receive a LG from a non-licensee who resides in another State, except by:


1) Will or intestate succession, § 922 (a)(5)(A) giver, § 922 (a)(3)(A), receiver, or


2)Temporary loan or rental for lawful sporting purposes, § 922 (a)(5)(B), or


3)The non-resident may send or deliver the long gun to a Federal Firearms Licensee (FFL) in the receivers State for purchase from the FFL, §922 (a)(2)(A)(unless the recipient State bans that type firearm)


e.***It is a felony violation to willfully violate the residency laws: § 922 (a)(5) transferors violation, § 922 (a)(3) receivers violation, up to 5 years in prison***


👆 snowbirds

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  On 1/18/2016 at 4:04 AM, 520HUNT said:

As a private citizen you are not required to check ID to sell a firearm.

Yep here is your answer as simple as it sounds.

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Look...I have taken over 60 hours of training on how to determine if a ID (document) is valid and not a fraud, and taken another 60+ hours training on how to spot a person using someone else's ID ( an imposter). But if you believe you are some how more qualified at determining if someone's ID is Legit, or which ID'S determine residency be my guest.

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It doesn't matter. If we are not required to do any sort of ID check when selling a firearm then that is that. If you want to ask if they are a resident then have at it.

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Just my thought on this. You should be ok to sell to him as stated but since he is an FFL there may be caveats to him making an out of state purchase over and above the requirement for him to enter the transaction into his bound book.

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