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Randall half stack for sale. Calling all guitarists.

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I need to fund a hunt.


Questions? Text 928-3hundred-sixtyonefortytwo


I built this a couple years ago when I was really into my killswitch phase of drop-C and chugga chugga knocking my eardrums out of place.


This amp really fits that bill well, heavy, tight as heck.

Clean channel is plenty good.

It shakes the very ground. It doesn't really have all that many hours on it because it's always been my "other amp"


Randall G2 series RH200 head, autographed by George Lynch himself.

4 button Footswitch included(just not pictured)


Randall 4x12 cabinet loaded with 2 Eminence Texas heat 8ohm 150w speakers and 2 Eminence swamp thang 8ohm 150w speakers.


I added in a green LED light mod to the head which plugs in separately and looks pretty cool.


These heads are going for 200-300 on ebay, but this ones signed by the man!

These speakers were 100 bucks each when I bought them brand new for this ground thumper.


If you have $575 and want to come get it, or meet me within an hour or so of my house (Camp Verde, AZ)

Then Come and get it!









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It's too much amp for my geriatric rock band! (The Geriatrics)


we stick to 50's, 60's.......sometimes 70's rock, playing the local old folks homes.


They are always throwing their Depends at us or trying to stuff their SS checks down our shorts.......so we must be doing something right!



:wub: :rolleyes: :D :P

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