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Diesel Emissions

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I know a lot of you have a diesel, so I thought I'd post this.


They're cracking down on catalytic converters. I had bough a truck from Trucks Only in Nov 14, and they had ran the truck through emissions two weeks prior to the sale. Passed with flying colors and sold me the truck.


I go to run it through emissions this year and the they said Opacity was perfect at 1%, I failed because it had an aftermarket cat.


I told them that they passed it in 2014, so they should pass it this year. They said someone must have missed it - that they're cracking down this year on catalytic converters on diesels and are about to do some changes. They told me I'd be financially responsible for replacing it, even though they missed it in 2014.


I'm still going for a waiver. Just a heads up that if you have anything aftermarket in the catalytic converter area, they're probably going to catch it.



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Well, yeah.. that's the thing.


There's no reason why I should spend over 1k changing out the cat when they called it legal last year.. If it wasn't working right, or I had to replace it, I absolutely would. Without a complaint.


But since they called it good- and the dealer sold it- I shouldn't have to pony up for the repairs.


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I know a lot of you have a diesel, so I thought I'd post this.


They're cracking down on catalytic converters. I had bough a truck from Trucks Only in Nov 14, and they had ran the truck through emissions two weeks prior to the sale. Passed with flying colors and sold me the truck.


I go to run it through emissions this year and the they said Opacity was perfect at 1%, I failed because it had an aftermarket cat.


I told them that they passed it in 2014, so they should pass it this year. They said someone must have missed it - that they're cracking down this year on catalytic converters on diesels and are about to do some changes. They told me I'd be financially responsible for replacing it, even though they missed it in 2014.


I'm still going for a waiver. Just a heads up that if you have anything aftermarket in the catalytic converter area, they're probably going to catch it.



Try going to a different ADEQ location, they're very inconsistent

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I dont know when they started, but I can tell you they're pretty serious about it this year.

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That's what I said!


Apparently, going forward, it does.. It's a headache.

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They have to be smoking something. Otherwise any time you need emissions components replaced it has to be bought from the factory to maintain true OEM. They wont really know unless they pull the cat and inspect it for a part number.

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I went thru this a few years ago. If a cat was on the truck from factory, it has to have one on it.


I cut mine off and got away for the first 5 years until emissions came mandatory for me. That was the diesel law at the time.


I have an aftermarket exhaust so I found one to match the diameter and had a muffler shop weld it in. Have never had any issues since it was welded back in.

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When did AZ start smogging diesel?


I have had to have it done on my 2000 F250 since 2005. They so the snap test and check for opacity which for my truck needs to be below 40 and I am always around 4.

Pretty sure the DOT approved ones are running about $400, plus install. My truck was one of the few years that did not have a factory cat and it has a decal about that on the valve cover.

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The EPA and all of their tests and rules are nothing but a money pit. It does nothing to reduce air pollution. Soon there will be the Department of Climate. The global warming folks are the EPA folks. This is a perpetration of fraud on the people by liberals and conservatives alike to make $ money$. The science is fake. VW was a little too smart, next time they will do better. LOL

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