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Too many hunts need some help

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This has been an extremely good year for my family in getting deer tags. My son drew an 27 youth tag, my daughter drew a 12a youth tag and I drew a 27 Dec. whitetail tag. I live in the whitemountains and can do lots of scouting in 27 in the evenings and weekends on horseback, this is not a problem. Where I need some help is in unit 12a for my daughters hunt. With the gas prices I will only be able to make 1 or 2 trips up there to scout. Can anyone give me some good areas to start looking in. Generals like a canyon or ridge would help a bunch. This hunt is down in the winter range and not up in the pines. Any help will be appreciated.


Thaks for the information



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My oldest son had this tag for his first hunt two years ago (shot his first deer on that hunt... ). My second son has this tag for his first deer hunt this fall! He is VERY excited! :) This is a great 'first hunt' for the youngsters. They will have a VERY good opportunity to get a shot at a deer on this hunt.


Tony gave some good advice. PM me and I will send you some other spots to check-out. Try to get your hands on a Kiabab National Forest map if you can. MANY roads up there and most of them lead to good deer country! ;)


Good luck!




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Ok--This yr turkey hunting up there--I saw tons of deer just out of Jacob Lake about 3-4 miles down the 282 road--although there is quite a herd that water & graze right there you can't hunt right there--but could set up nearby.

Last year--I turkey hunted out behind De Motte park out to the west and then down south off of the FS 206 and took roads out towards the canyon (W) Again--tons of deer. There are several water holes in the area.

There is no more joy in life than having your kid bag a deer. I was there when my oldest dtr bagged her first--but have always lamented the fact that I was not able to be with my youngest dtr when she got hers. I had to work and my bro took her out.


Good luck and enjoy your time.--BOB

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Thanks for the replies.


I will be up in Flagstaff on business this weekend and will pick up a couple of maps. Does any one know where I can get topo maps or a map of the water catchments up there?


Would this be a good hunt to take horses on?


I was able to go for a hike yesterday and found a prospect for my sons hunt. When I get the film developed I will ask for a CD so I can post a picture if they turn out.



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