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Christmas Coues

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Ill start off saying thanks to this forum and the people on it I learned a lot about Coues and how to hunt them since I moved here. Sadly I will be leaving in May so this is my last deer in Az for a very long time (possibly forever). Now for the story....I went out the morning of the 21st and glassed this buck alone heading in to some junipers and tried to call him with no luck whatsoever. I tried to track him but he disappeared quickly so I paid close attention to where he was heading and marked it on my map. I came home and did a little research another nice ridge to get on and glass from. Christmas day the wife wanted to go see a movie I had no interest in so she was nice enough to go with a friend while I took off to my ridge to do some hunting. Once I got on top of the ridge around 3pm I saw 3 does moving around grazing, I kept my eye on them and sure enough that same buck popped out of the junipers. At this point he was around 400 yds away and I had very little chance of trying to put on a stalk so I pulled out my grunt call to see if I could get a reaction. A few seconds after I blew it this buck to off running at me. He ran a solid 200 yds to me before he slowed down. At this point i'm getting nervous knowing I wasn't in a position to take a shot. I shed most of my gear keeping my range finder, bow, and grunt and try to shimmy my way down the rocks to get in to a better position throwing some soft grunts in occasionally. I climbed down about 40 yds and got in position. It took this buck about 20 seconds to close the first 200 yds and another 3-5 minutes to close the last 200. He came in looking for a fight, sure enough he topped the saddle I had positioned myself on about 30 yds away from me standing in the perfect position for a shot. I blew one final soft grunt to stop him and took my shot. I heard the arrow thud and he took off so I knew I had hit something. After a few minutes I went to where he was and there was the bloody arrow and a blood trail. I climbed back up the ridge to grab my gear and and track him down. I followed the blood trail for about 50 yds and this is what I found......





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  On 12/26/2015 at 6:42 PM, Couescraze said:

Great buck! Congratulations!


What grunt call did you use?


I used the Buck Roar by Primos.

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  On 12/26/2015 at 6:53 PM, swaro06 said:

congragulations. what broadhead did you use.


I use Spitfire Maxx 100g.

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Great buck,

Thanks for your service.

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Nice buck!!

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Awesome buck man! Sounds like it all played out perfect. Congrats!

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