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Advice on Scope BDC's for long range shots

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Hello guys, I'm upgrading my rifle scope to aid in long range shots and am questioning how accurate the scopes are with the Bullet Drop Compensators. Like the Nikon BCD or Leupold B&C models. I'm not a competitive shooter so I dont think that having adjustable turrets is matched with my skill set for real-time huntign situations, but I'm wondering if these BCD levels are really accurate. For example if I'm zero'd in at 100 yards, I'm skeptical that the 200, 300, 400 pre-set crosshair in the reticles are automatically accurate when the variables such as rifle caliber and bullet type (assuming normal factory load. I have a couple good 38 inch muleys with rifle, elk with bows, but want to take a good coues up 300 - 400 yards - and realize practicing is most important. Thanks for any tips and best success this year.

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From my experience ( i have a leupold varmint reticle on my 22-250 and a B&C reticle on my dads 7RUM) they are spot on. im talking shooting at 385, using the 400 yard marker and hitting high.

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My buddy has the B&C Retical (Leupold) on his 300 Wby and loves it.... I just recently bought a Huskamaw Optics (scope) for 300 Wby.... It has windage hash marks but no elevation which I prefir.... They will build me a custom turret to match my ammo once I have supplied them with all the info. The first turret is included in the cost of the scope.... each additional is extra..... Google "The Best Of The West" Good Luck!



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The B&C or Ballistic Plex reticles are set for a group of cartridges, so your load may not match the marks exactly, but a little time at the range shooting at 300 and 400 should tell you where you are hitting for each hash mark. Or you might be able to mark your power ring so the marks are on 300 and 400 yards exactly, instead of the pre-marked triangle on the power ring.


I have the B&C on my 22-50. It worked well out to 500 yards when Casey and I shot at rocks across a canyon- much better than guessing inches of hold-over. I would consider the B&C over the varmint reticle as the fine cross hairs on the varmint reticle may be hard to see in dim light.



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My dad got the Leupold B&C reticle for his 7mm WSM and after sighting in at 200 yards, I was impressed that the 300 and 400 yard aiming points were pretty much spot on. Even if they don't work out exactly for your cartridge I would bet that they would be within several inches and would be much better than using the holdover guesstimation method and quicker than the turret method. I don't have any experience with other similar offerings from Nikon or Burris.

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I have the nikon with bdc on my 300 wsm and shot a deer at 350 using the 300 dot a lttle high and it was right on. I havent shot enough at the range to know how accurate it is out past that.

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Thanks guys for the comments, I bought the Leupold 55265 4.5-14x40 with the B&C reticle and will practice alot in the 300 and max 400 yard ranges shooting a 30.06. I got the 36B early tag this year. Good luck and appreciate the feedback!

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I have the exact same scope as you bought on my 257 weatherby, the crosshair on my caliber is on at 300, the next is 400 then 500, then 550 and the tip of the lower arrow is 600. It is spot on, the biggest thing is reading the instructions on where to put the arrow on the scope magnification for your 30-06. I love my scope it is awesome to shoot with . AG

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I have 2 of those same scopes, 1 on my 300 wsm and 1 on my 257 ackley improved. They are awesome both dead on. The 300 is set at 200 and goes up from there and the 257 is 300 and goes up from there. Killed 1 coues at 475 using the 500 mark dead on, deer went down right away. Killed another at 520 using the 500 mark also dropped in his tracks. It's quick and easy, takes the guessing game out of shooting. It is very similar to archery hunting. Have fun.

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A typ,


How about postin' some of those 38" spread muleys? Kaibab! Yee HAW!


About time you showed up on here!



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Why don't you check out the Shepard scopes. Cabelas has them online and they are pretty slick. You can get them in 10 or 18X. Prices range from $650 to $750 I believe.

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Great feedback and good to hear they're reliable to 475-500 yards, this has really helped me make the decision. It's done and mounted. I'm looking forward to alot of practice in the field following archery coues season.


And for AZP&Y, I hope the two pics were attached successfully for the 38 inch mulies, one from Idaho and one from Ashurst Lake, AZ. So, now I'm looking for a bigger coues than the little 3 pointer I have and two more trips to 36b this year I'm hoping will get me closer.


Good luck archers on the 24th! See you in the field.



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And for AZP&Y, I hope the two pics were attached successfully for the 38 inch mulies


Yeah BABY! That's what I'm talkin' about- NICE RACK(S)... :lol: :lol: :lol:



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I am going to be using zeiss's new rapid z reticle. Hopefully it will work good.

Thats a lot of antler. Thanks for posting the pics.



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