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news release - chad smith - helicoter chasing antelope update

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Was Chad the owner of Vaquero Outfitters? Are they allowed to continue operating without Chad? I see the website is still up and who's that dude with the big bull on the front page?


I was told that last time he put it in his wifes name and continued to be Chad.

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Pretty bad when "last time he got busted" is part of the conversation. Is this guy the jackass with 2 spotters put together that I saw on a show filmed in Mexico? He is a doosh. Yeah, he'll get a surrogate to put their name on the papers until he does his time, again. Lark

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No different then when a scummy attorney (typically BK attorneys) break the law, close the door and open up down the street under another business name and/or business owner. You can bet even though he may not be listed or even in the field as a "guide" he will still be profiting from "recruiting"!


HEAVY fines and jail time are the only way to make this type of thing go away, all the other mumbo jumbo wrist slapping just makes the criminal get more creative!

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I'm kinda surprised the none of the outfitters that frequent this site have commented, good or bad, on this topic? Lark

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I'm kinda surprised the none of the outfitters that frequent this site have commented, good or bad, on this topic? Lark


Thats cause half of them are guilty of the same bull crap antics...

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That's pretty weak. Second offense should definitely be a lifetime ban.

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I'm kinda surprised the none of the outfitters that frequent this site have commented, good or bad, on this topic? Lark

Thats cause half of them are guilty of the same bull crap antics...

Ignorant statement.


Most aren't commenting because it doesn't matter. What this chad guy did (and has done in the past) is wrong and I agree, he should've gotten more. Bashing another outfitter because he's a tool is redundant and defending him would certainly be counterproductive.

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I'm kinda surprised the none of the outfitters that frequent this site have commented, good or bad, on this topic? Lark

Thats cause half of them are guilty of the same bull crap antics...

Ignorant statement.


Most aren't commenting because it doesn't matter. What this chad guy did (and has done in the past) is wrong and I agree, he should've gotten more. Bashing another outfitter because he's a tool is redundant and defending him would certainly be counterproductive.


you sir are ignorant if you dont think outfitters bend or break every rule there is. legally and ethically.


have you ever seen some of the big names that have been busted in the not so distant past in Arizona?

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Now that I think about that, There is a long list, for sure. I find it kinda odd that guys that are trying to make a living guiding don't have any comment on a guy that has surely made things more difficult for them by his stupid and selfish actions. There are several of em that like to sling arrows in defense of perceived slights they feel they recieve. It's kinda odd that they don't have any comment on this situation. Lark

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I'm kinda surprised the none of the outfitters that frequent this site have commented, good or bad, on this topic? Lark

Thats cause half of them are guilty of the same bull crap antics...

Ignorant statement.


Most aren't commenting because it doesn't matter. What this chad guy did (and has done in the past) is wrong and I agree, he should've gotten more. Bashing another outfitter because he's a tool is redundant and defending him would certainly be counterproductive.

you sir are ignorant if you dont think outfitters bend or break every rule there is. legally and ethically.


have you ever seen some of the big names that have been busted in the not so distant past in Arizona?

AverageJoe stated that "half of them are guilty of the same bull crap antics". Really?? Half of the outfitters out there are flying and herding animals? Pushing and driving animals to and from properties for their clients to shoot?? Bending and breaking every rule there is??


Literally, a bunch of ignorant comments and insinuations. You're doing the very same thing that any ill-informed anti hunter does: takes one (or maybe a few "big name") jack-butt hunters and lumps them all into the same group. If you don't see the hypocrisy then there's no use continuing this conversation.


Step out from behind your computer sometime and get to know a couple of outfitters sometime. Regardless of what you think of their choice of profession, you'd most likely find that many of them abide by most of the rules far greater than the majority of hunters do. #1 because It's their job and livelihood to know and abide by those rules. Clearly some ignore them, but hardly comparable to the wknd warriors who have no business in the field.

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Everybody, even weekend warriors, have "business" in the field. Statements like that are the kinda things that make folks not like outfitters. Why do you think us weekend warriors have no business hunting and fishing? Do outfitters take precedence? And I would still like to hear an outfitter speak up on this. Seems that there some that really have harsh words when someone says something they don't like. Why the silence on this topic? The no fly laws in Az are there specifically because of antics by outfitters. Even tho all accepted fair chase rules say you shouldn't do it, laws had to be passed to stop outfitters from flying during season. Lark.

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Guest wdenike

Everybody, even weekend warriors, have "business" in the field. Statements like that are the kinda things that make folks not like outfitters. Why do you think us weekend warriors have no business hunting and fishing? Do outfitters take precedence? And I would still like to hear an outfitter speak up on this. Seems that there some that really have harsh words when someone says something they don't like. Why the silence on this topic? The no fly laws in Az are there specifically because of antics by outfitters. Even tho all accepted fair chase rules say you shouldn't do it, laws had to be passed to stop outfitters from flying during season. Lark.



Don't hold your breath! Three quarters of them are on there knees praying that Santa will be bringing them a helicopter. And the other quarter couldn't make a living guiding some one if they were guiding in the friggin zoo. But have a desire to want others to think they are better than common people. That may have forgotten more than they know. LMAO




Take care, Willie

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Everybody, even weekend warriors, have "business" in the field. Statements like that are the kinda things that make folks not like outfitters. Why do you think us weekend warriors have no business hunting and fishing? Do outfitters take precedence? And I would still like to hear an outfitter speak up on this. Seems that there some that really have harsh words when someone says something they don't like. Why the silence on this topic? The no fly laws in Az are there specifically because of antics by outfitters. Even tho all accepted fair chase rules say you shouldn't do it, laws had to be passed to stop outfitters from flying during season. Lark.


Outfitters don't take precedence. How did you get that from my comments? I was obviously referring to the wknd warriors who also "bend and break" these rules. Did you just self-implicate?? THEY have no business in the field. And THEY far outnumber these outfitters or guides you guys keep talking about who truly are bending and breaking these rules. Drive up to the Kaibab during the general rifle hunt and you'll see what I'm talking about. Or 6A during archery elk season. But apparently some of you think that outfitters and guides are the problem as a whole. I've run into some plain BS from guides and outfitters in the field. A couple happen to be sponsors of this site! But these infractions are few and far between compared to the armed hikers who call themselves hunters

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