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Need to Wine a little

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Trying to get my hunter ed for rifle side, I have the archery hunter ed card already. I have 90 days from completion of the online testing portion to do a field day but you cant get in a field day for past 90 days????? Oh and the sold out booked classes are a wopping 5 people and 10 people? How is that going to move folks through, especially with elk draw coming up you would think maybe they would have a little more room. Done Wining

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When I read the title I thought you meant you were going to get drunk on some Boone's Farm Strawberry Hill.

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I also need to find a class for my son. Looks like he will not be able to put in for Elk his first year.

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I also need to find a class for my son. Looks like he will not be able to put in for Elk his first year.

I do believe you can put him in, he just needs to complete the class before the actual hunt.

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Like post above. You can apply for the draw. Just need to be 10-yrs before hunt date & complete course before.


OP: if you have completed the online they will usually work you into a field day. Give the AZGFD coordinator. I've been very impressed with the Hunters Ed instructor working with people to get them through the course.

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Mulepackhunter, we try to schedule quartely field days in Flagstaff for online students. If you're willing to make the drive, I c as n probably get you in. I know there's one the first week in February that I'll be invloved with. PM me if you are interested.

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I've been checking on line every other day for 6 months. I guess I'm going to need to drive 3 hours somewhere just to do it. I agree with you class in Mesa and phx are booked up the day of. Doesn't do much Incentive for anybody to do it online when they can't even get a feild day to complete it. I've been trying to do it so I can get my hunter ed card so I can do a wyoming hunt next year

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Ya and as far as the archery card AZ does have one and its pretty good, I did it to qualify for out of state tags and I was very green to hunting so some overview of the rules was helpful. A few guys were in it for alaska hunts since they require a card

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I did the online hunter Ed course then bonus point field day last weekend in Tucson. It was a good experience overall. For some reason when I was looking to schedule a field day course, none showed up as available. I sent G&F an email, did some googling for courses, and then somehow a bunch of courses appeared. I completed the online and field day all in the same week. Now I am waiting for the completion card and info on becoming an instructor down here in Sierra Vista.

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Arizona needs to follow South Dakota's lead and mandate an archery EDUCATION class as well. GREAT JOB SOUTH DAKOTA.

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My hunters ed course was so long ago, the certificate was made of parchment.

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kinda makes ya feel a little older when you think - I remember taking one in Colorado


then one here for my daughter


then 5 yrs later taking one for my son


good luck on all those taking and passing and getting that hunter ed. course completed


We need every hunter to be safe and responsible out there while hunting


card issed in 97 - ouch

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