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Unit 10 Bulls tags to decrease next year

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I couldn't see where this had been discussed yet here. Every bull elk hunt in unit 10 has significant tag decreases scheduled for next year. "And much cheering commenced from serious hunters in every corner of Mohave County" haha. I have heard mostly complaints about quantity, quality, and age class up there the last few years from those I know, so it sounds like the department is reacting. http://azgfdportal.devaz.gov/PortalImages/files/hunting/guidelines/commOrders/S-2%20Pronghorn%2C%20Elk%20and%20PMH%20Hunt%20Recommendations%2011-19-2015.pdf

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I was really hoping the unit I was holding out for was going to be on the early rifle list. It is not...again. Oh well.

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Noticed that the dates for archery bull and early rifle bull overlap in unit 9, and its archery season starts one week later than other units.

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why are they worried about reducing the bull tags -STOP THE 1600 COW tags - there are no herds left in 10


to get more bulls ya need MORE cows around !!!


how many guys applying for the early riflw in 27 before archery season

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Noticed that the dates for archery bull and early rifle bull overlap in unit 9, and its archery season starts one week later than other units.

That was supposed to be a typo. I didn't hear what came out of the meeting a couple weeks ago when they were discussing the recommendations.

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Looks like an overall reduction of a couple hundred tags. That's progress.

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I say it's a good call and way overdue.


I scouted this unit for years with friends and finally got drawn for the late rifle hunt this year after a very long wait, wasting valuable points.


In the last 5 years or so I noticed a decline in both numbers and quality.


Perhaps this measure would help bring the unit back to it's glory.

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they just raised the elk no.s last yr by 75 tags just in the muzzy hunt so taking those away meant nothing


never should a been a 100 early rifle in 10 either


taking 50 from 550 general rifle at 25% thats 10 bulls


bet the archers in 10 are going to love the tags cut in 1/2


so taking away 200+ bull tags isn't going to change anything


say a max 25% harvest --- so is taking 50 less bulls going to make a significant difference


We need to stop killing off all the COW ELK to replenish the herds which will produce more elk and hopefully more BULLS


they have been offering 1600 cow elk tags in 10 for a lot of years -


YES -- it is great to see that tags are being reduced in unit 10



back as far as 2004 they have been offering 1400-1600 cow elk tags in 10 with an average of about 25%


lets just say 500 reported cows a yr. times 10 = 5000 less cows


I'm not a numbers guy but when you figure out the loss of reproduction - its in the 20's of thousands of elk


want to have more bulls to hunt ? save the cows!!

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I was fortunate enough to help a friend on his hunt in 10 during the archery hunt. It was my first go at elk here. We saw a crazy number of elk. Almost every sitting we saw elk everywhere we looked. I, too, am surprised by the number of cow permits they have been issuing but it's hard to believe that overall numbers of elk are down from what is saw. We saw herds of 100+ just before the rut kicked in. I did see way too much pressure on the hunt than what I'd prefer to. We had two hunts messed up by other hunters.

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