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Hornandy sst

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OK so let just state I am not a pro or a novice reloader. I just wanna give some information on what I found on my recent hunt I shoot a 25-06 Remington all factory but I put a Boyd's stock on her cci primers rl 22 117 gr set I push it fast. This years shot was 210 yards I slightly quartering away I pulled the shot post-5984-0-86075600-1449853116_thumb.jpg

Hit just behind the front leg and opened him up good post-5984-0-39728800-1449853233_thumb.jpg

Ended up breaking his back leg no meat waste in that leg I found the jacket and core within 1/2" they did come apartpost-5984-0-85421400-1449853409_thumb.jpg

It retained about 40% of it weightpost-5984-0-01507100-1449853487_thumb.jpg

This makes about 8 deer myself and my wife have killed with these bullets and all have been 1 shot kills. Just wanted to pass this along in case anyone was thinking of using these bullets

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I like them in my .284's both 7 mm mag and 7mm-08. I shoot 139's in the 7-08 and 154's in the 7 mag. They do a lot of damage while still achieving great penetration.

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I've been thinking about switching to these after bergers failed to expand on the buck I tagged sunday. Hit him right through the lungs and had to follow up with a second shot, neither bullet expanded. Thanks for posting your experiences.

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I have tested the 30 cal 165gr SST in ballistic gel and water tests. Your description of terminal performance is spot on. The jacket will separate from core almost every time, but it always happens near the end of it's penetration. I've tested with velocities from 1800fps to 2890fps and performance was consistent throughout that range..

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Yep I use the SST and the Amax. The SST are basically the same bullet as the tried and true Hornady interlock with a plastic tip. I use the SST for elk and the Amax for everything else.

For sure going to try their new bullet ELD-X when it's available.

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Check out terminalballistics.com they shot all kinds of New Zealand goats, pigs and other animals on depredation hunts and their findings on the SST bullet performance was pretty much better than basically..... everything.... at all velocities.

I know you cant believe everything on the net but they stacked up a lot of data and the results speak for themselves.

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I know some will not agree but if I waste some meat to blood shot I am OK better then the losing the deer because it walked off

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I like the SST's. I have shot them pretty well in my 257 weatherby, and I just started working with them in my 6.5x55. They shoot well in both rifles.


As long as I can get the SST to provide a good load it will be my go to bullet for that rifle. If not I may play with the Berger VLDs and see if it will shoot those well.

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  On 12/11/2015 at 7:55 PM, QCwtAddict said:

I've been thinking about switching to these after bergers failed to expand on the buck I tagged sunday. Hit him right through the lungs and had to follow up with a second shot, neither bullet expanded. Thanks for posting your experiences.

Out of curiosity, what bullet weight, caliber, and range were you shooting at?



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270wsm, 140 gr. At 600 yds. The bullets literally did not expand at all, both exits were barely larger than the bullets themselves. I also have two friends that lost an elk and whitetail this year, both pushing bergers out of 7mm's but I'm not sure of the bullet weights.

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  On 12/11/2015 at 7:55 PM, QCwtAddict said:

I've been thinking about switching to these after bergers failed to expand on the buck I tagged sunday. Hit him right through the lungs and had to follow up with a second shot, neither bullet expanded. Thanks for posting your experiences.

For me begers have way to many fails for me to try and frankly I am to cheep to buy Barnes bullets and the sst has done a great job I don't typically shoot over 300 yards at game but practice to 500 and these have never let me down

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139 gr SST. 7-08. 535 yards. Muzzle velocity 2900 f/s. Went through one shoulder, vitals, then stopped just short of the skin on the opposite side. Dropped in it's tracks. SST+ good shot placement= quick kills. Highly recommend, and the price is right too.





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