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:angry: :(


Hey, I don't know about you guys but I am thinking about switching to Direct TV because Dish took channel 218 (MOR) off the air. What Heck!!! I bought Dish becasue it had 218 and 153 and (sometimes) 151.... and of course the movie channels..... :(



Anyhow, does anyone have Direct and what hunting channels do they have???





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I was kind of ticked when I saw they took MOR off the air. I was even more ticked that my tv died on Sunday... Right now I'm actually enjoying not having a tv as I seem to be getting more done around the house and I can always pop a dvd on the computer when I need to watch some horn porn.

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I was so pi$$ed that I did make the switch to direct. It seems to happen all the time with dish.


They have all the same hunting channels.


Check into the bundle packages phone/internet/direct. They have pretty good deals.

You can go to their web site and look at the different packages. The only problem I have is that the westerns channel

is not ala cart so I had to spend an extra 10 smackers for the encore channels. :unsure:

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I made the switch to Direct and love it. I paid the extra $12 for the sports package and it gets you the Outdoor channel plus the standard package gives you MOR and VS.

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i am plummed P-O'd over it. i hate that junk on 153. the huntin' over corn and talkin' threw yer nose with bad teeth channel. 218 had some halfway decent shows. guess it's back to beanie and cecil and the hog auctions. Lark.

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Hey guys, what is this thing you call "Dish" and "Direct TV" ?






some of us poor chumps appearantly don't know what we're missin'!

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gino, Direct TV is amazing! i love all the hunting!!!! make sure you get DVR, (tivo) and record them and set the programmer to record them!

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Directv is the best if you are in tucson call fitzgerald tv to order it because they warrenty the equipment for the life of your contract as wear quest only warrentys 90 days.

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