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Isn't it hunting season???

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I'm pretty sure there are hunts going on this weekend around the state, and a lot of people out scouting for upcoming hunts. That why I'm confused, because there were a bunch of AZ Game and Fish officers working security at the ASU game today. I was actually expecting to see the Mule deer decoy set up in the end zone with all the officers there.


I guess this wouldn't be such a concern to me, except I haven't seen a Game and Fish officer in the field in over 15 years now. And I spend a bunch of time in a bunch of differnt units as a guide and hunter. I know several units that only have one officer and in some cases the officer is responsible for 2 units. So why they would be working at a football game instead of out in the field kind of blows my mind.

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Just a sign of the times. Now days our law enforcement officials are spread really thin. With all the threats from Isis and all this doesn't surprise me one bit. Best get used to it folks. Welcome to the Obama nation.

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It's their day off and they are working an off duty job to make some extra cash for the holidays. So here they are working their day off to support their family as we know game and fish officers are way under paid. Let's give them a break.

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It's their day off and they are working an off duty job to make some extra cash for the holidays. So here they are working their day off to support their family as we know game and fish officers are way under paid. Let's give them a break.

I don't blame the officers, but the department.

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If you looked around there were officers from agencies across the state. It was an overtime assignment, so the officers there volunteered to go take an extra shift on their day off after working a full week in their assigned areas. What is the department supposed to do about that? Tell their guys not to work overtime?


All this nit picky criticism of the department by an uninformed public is probably the reason those guys can't wait to write your butt a ticket when they get the chance.

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Any law enforcement officer in the state of arizona (rez cops being the exception) has jurisdiction in the whole state of arizona to enforce any laws. So makes sense officers from any and all departments should be able to share in overtime duties such as football games. Everyone needs a little extra money once in a while...especially during this time of year.

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The hacker group "Anonymous", has vowed to track, and expose ISIS, anyway they can. There was rumor that a couple of big venues, including the WWE in Atlanta tonight were going to be targets. Phoenix and Tucson both have Mosque's that are on the radical list. Extra security is prudent. Regardless if these LEO's, are moonlighting, or providing extra security, I for one, would be glad to have them around. IMO, protecting human life is exponentially more important than a few extra wildlife citations being handed out.

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If you looked around there were officers from agencies across the state. It was an overtime assignment, so the officers there volunteered to go take an extra shift on their day off after working a full week in their assigned areas. What is the department supposed to do about that? Tell their guys not to work overtime?

yes i do expect them to tell them no.



stories like this ^


why would a azgfd be at a football game, to get more money? isnt that our money as tax payers and permit buyers? dont they have enough asu cops?



if this was actually a joke about azgfd there because of "bear down" would have been hilarious post of the year.

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