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The cup

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The Sun Devils dominated. This was a game between two pretty weak teams who have underachieved all year. ASU won, but they beat a pretty pathetic team with only one quality win all year. Both programs have a bunch of work to do before they will gain any respect outside of this game.


The students, alumni, boosters and tax payers are getting the short end of the stick here. Both schools, and the Board of Regents have made major investments in these teams and they are being short-changed on that investment. Those investments were not made to beat up on the kids down the street, they were made to bring some national prominence to the programs. With the exception of a few isolated years, both programs remain insignificant on the national scene.


As has been posted before on this site, "Arguing over which of these two teams is better is like two guys arguing over who's spike has bigger eye guards". Both teams need to regroup, hit the recruiting circuit and hopefully give us something to take pride in next year.


With all that said, the cup is headed back to Tempe, congratulations Devils.

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Chill a minute. ASU is coming off back to back 10 win seasons and post season top 15 rankings. That's pretty solid. This season was disappointing, there is no question.

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Back to back interceptions taken back to house is too much for the kitties.

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Chill? I think not! Chill is a euphemism for accepting mediocrity, and is often followed by blurred memories and justifications to support an undo feeling of grandeur. Case in point is:


"ASU is coming off back to back 10 win seasons and post season top 15 rankings".


Last year the final AP and Coaches poll had them at 12th and 14th respectively; both figures supporting your statement. However, at the end of the previous year, they came in at 21st and 20th in the same two polls. Sure there are plenty of other polls we can all cherry pick (College Football Playoff Ranking, etc.) to support an argument, but these two have been the bellwether for decades. I see it as a justification for continued mediocrity.


As a tax payer in the State of Arizona, a former student of both schools, and a die hard supporter of sports throughout the state, I feel we deserve better. Our two big schools will be competing in a couple "also ran" bowls this year; I'm not content with this and I will not try to pretend it is an accurate measure of success! Neither of these teams is ever included in a discussion of upper tier programs, even after a flash in the pan season or two.


I love die hard fans and everything they bring to the game. If you are happy with your team, great. I am not looking to pick a fight on this site ( especially in the Elk Hunting forum...what the heck Lark!), I am just trying to promote the idea that we are not receiving the return on investment that is deserved or promised. I want more from these teams! Both schools are positioned to become tier one programs, yet have continually failed at that quest.

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How many BCS bowl games has ASU been to since the BCS was formed 17 years ago?

How many did U of A go to? Ok then, now that we have compared spike's...


If the product on the field today was a representation of the final product for ASU, I would not be satisfied, but CTG is taking this program from a sad state under Erickson and put them in bowl games 4 years in a row, something that no head coach had done in the past (4 bowl games in first 4 years). The team is headed in the right direction, but needs to keep making progress. This isn't Alabama with Nick Saban, you don't just overnight win a national championship. It takes work, and for the first time since Bruce Snyder, it's happening.

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How many BCS bowl games has ASU been to since the BCS was formed 17 years ago?

How many did U of A go to? Ok then, now that we have compared spike's...

If the product on the field today was a representation of the final product for ASU, I would not be satisfied, but CTG is taking this program from a sad state under Erickson and put them in bowl games 4 years in a row, something that no head coach had done in the past (4 bowl games in first 4 years). The team is headed in the right direction, but needs to keep making progress. This isn't Alabama with Nick Saban, you don't just overnight win a national championship. It takes work, and for the first time since Bruce Snyder, it's happening.

UofA - 1 BCS bowl game

ASU - 0 BCS bowl game


Looks like your spike was actually a doe

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I agree Graham has done a lot of good in his first three years, as has RR. Heck, they have each taken their teams to the pack 12 Championship game. I think they have both resolidified the programs as tier two programs, but they both severely under performed this year and even took the programs backward. I understand it is not just the head coach; there are other factors like injuries, eligibility, media commitments and scheduling, etc. but when they are paid north of $1,000,000 per year, it all falls in their laps. Keep in mind that these are two of the three highest paid employees of the State of Arizona.


It seems like Rodriquez has his focus on an East Coast job, not taking care of business. I'm not sure about Graham, this is the longest he has stayed anywhere. He does not appear to have itchy feet, but maybe he is getting a bit too comfortable...even complacent.


As far as playing in 1 BCS game vs 0 during the past 17 years...wow, talk about splitting a fine hare of mediocrity. Both teams are firmly affixed at tier two and it is very disappointing!

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I think Saban and harbaugh are paid $8m a year. That is not going to happen in AZ for a very long time.


Asu coulda, shoulda beat Utah and Oregon. That would have put a different spin on the pac12S. Ua's bowl eligibility should be revoked due to 5 wins against teams that would struggle in the AZ juco league.


The loss of T Kelly and J Strong in the same year was difficult for Asu to overcome. Also the lack of forced turnovers did not help things. Plus a few bad breaks and calls sealed their mediocre record.


A Solomons soph slump plus major defensive injuries killed the kitties but last year every break went their way. That was going to be impossible to repeat. If not for the UT game, fans in Tucson would be begging for RR to go to Va Tech. Defensive injuries showed his lack of recruiting depth. RR can see the future and he needs to take advantage of this opportunity while it is here.


CTG has one of his best freshmen classes coming in next year. Plus whoever starts at QB next year will probably be a 3 yr starter.


9 yards rushing yesterday by RBs? That is Pity the Kittyful.


Just like normal, people in Tucson have been talking more about basketball than FB the last 4 weeks.


Fear the Fork. OUT

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UofA - 1 BCS bowl game

ASU - 0 BCS bowl game


Looks like your spike was actually a doe


Nope. There was no BCS last year, nor will there ever be again. The fiesta bowl was not a top tier bowl because of the college football playoff and the addition of the cotton bowl. Still a good bowl game, too bad the kitties got beat by a non P5 opponent in their biggest chance to make a name for themselves.

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