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Stray Cat Problems

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better go more than just a couple miles to relocate them. they'll come back

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Be very stealthy when trapping/relocating that critter. An angry cat owner could make things pretty tough on a guy. With surveillance systems becoming common items, one might be inclined to notify Sherriff Joe. And he's made animal cruelty a felony. Speaking from experience of a tree-huggin', cat-lovin' neighbor I once had. When in doubt, take it to the pound, if it returns, then................

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Just a thought- spray peppergaurd out front in the area visited. It doesn't last long to you, but it will to the cat. They'll just avoid.

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I'm about 200 yards into Pinal county, so no sheriff Joe. I'm not interested in hurting the cat, but I have no problems with relocating it to BFE. I've talked to most of the neighbors, no one has any idea where it came from and they all seem to hate the thing as much as I do.

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You can put an air bag in your couch like the ones on YouTube. If you do please record and share it with us :)

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We have a stray cat problem in my neighborhood as well. Every time it rains the smell is terrible.

I have setup a trap in my back yard but can't seem to catch them with cat food. Trying tuna next.

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Pick out a neighbor that you don't like, and put a bunch of catnip in their yard :lol:


I have a similar problem with the neighbors cats coming to my yard, crapping, and pissing everywhere. I'm ready to get evil with these little poop monsters.


A paintball gun would be great if I had one.

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Feral cats are like coyotes: For every 1 you remove, 3 come back! It's crazy.


I also have issues. They use my garden as a massive kitty litter box! I used the trap for awhile. Think I got rid of 4 in a span of one month. But they kept coming back and I simply waved the white flag and gave up.


Hate those filthy animals.

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I'll take em. I love feral cats and go thru them every few months. They eat the critters living out like we do and in a few months they're eaten themselves. Had 4 in August and I'm down to 1. She's a smart one though. Loving if you 10 feet away. The rest got comfortable and happy. Big mistake out here. Vanity is smart and don't trust anything. I'm sure she'll live at least a year. Longest we've had was 2 years but he was a bad a$s who would beat up dogs and coyotes and come home with cactus needles nurtured an inch deep. I miss that cat! The county here has a program that if you bring them in, in a trap (not a cage/carrier) they'll fix them for free, clip an ear (to show they're feral and fixed) and give them back to you. I get a steady stream of strays behind work in Tucson. Bring them home regular.

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When I did animal control I had ranchers I took the mean ones to. They would lose feral cats to owls and coyotes so always wanted some mean feral cats around for the mice. If you get a real mean one that is hissing and spitting in the trap take them out with a coyote gun as they will call in a ton of coyotes when they are like that. The most feral cats I took off one property was 32 cats in 30 days.

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