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Stray Cat Problems

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We have a stray cat in our neighborhood that until recently has been nothing more than a mild nuisance. Recently it has started to frequent our front porch furniture during the night leaving it covered in fur, and much worse, urine. We can't open the front door without getting smacking in the face with the smell. This thing needs to go!!!


I'm not interested in killing the cat, so no pellet guns, antifreeze, etc.


Any suggestions? I'd like to try a cage trap, but really don't want to buy one for one stupid cat. Anyone in the Queen Creek area have one they would consider loaning out or renting for small fee?



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I'm on the west side of town but when we need an extra trap we rent them from a tack store on cave creek. Maybe you could find a rental at a tack shop closer to you?

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Paintball gun. I have used this method a few times. Usually only takes one or two times, and the cat will avoid your house like the plague.


Also, you can use packing tape upside down on your patio furniture. Cats HATE sticky things on their feet.


Or, one of the 9V battery operated zapper pads. We used those to train our dogs to stay off the couches.

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I've heard that aluminum foil will keep them from getting comfy on your porch, don't know why, I just heard they don't like it at all

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Call animal control. At least down here in Cochise county they are part of the sherriff's office and they are quick to respond and take care of things.

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Thanks everyone. olmos1010 lives right by where I drive to and from work every day, so I'm going to give his trap a try. I'll keep you posted on how it goes.

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The have a heart trap is the best way to avoid legal penalties. I have yone you could borrow but I'm in the north west side of town. The best bait I've found is canned sardines. The round can.


I'd be surprised if it's only one cat. I removed a dozen from my old house before I noticed they stopped coming around.

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Guest akaspecials

I used to keep a super soaker around. After getting sprayed with water a few times the cats started avoiding my house like the plague.

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The have a heart trap is the best way to avoid legal penalties. I have yone you could borrow but I'm in the north west side of town. The best bait I've found is canned sardines. The round can.


I'd be surprised if it's only one cat. I removed a dozen from my old house before I noticed they stopped coming around.

What kind of trap is a heart trap?

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