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Savage Axis??

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I'm looking to buy a rifle for my grandkids to use for their first hunts. Basspro has the Savage axis on sale and I was wondering if anyone has one or knows anything about this. I can't decide between the 243 or the 7-08.Help. thanks.

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I have the axis nice rifle for the money. the axis II has the accutrigger, which mine doesn't. I ditched the bushnell scope & put a redfield 3x9x40 accurange on its a good shooter.

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That's the kind of response I was hoping for! Thanks guys!

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  On 11/18/2015 at 3:51 AM, Hanksaiditbest said:

I have a savage axis in 30-06 stainless barrell that i am looking to sell. Maybe 30-40 rounds through it. Are you set on those calibers?

Yeah pretty much, both grandsons are kinda on the slight side, and I might just sneak it out from time to time. Thanks anyway.

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I got my daughter an Axis youth in 7mm-08 and she loves it. She's 11 now and been shooting it for two years. Its pre-accutrigger so I had a Timney trigger put in and set at 3.5 lbs. That thing is awesome! It shoots 139 gr Hornadys well and 140 gr Barnes TTSX handloads even better! I had a brake put on as an extra precaution to ease recoil and she's put two boxes down range in one sitting!

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Have the original in .243. The trigger sucks. Mine won't shoot factory 100 grain core lokts very well which I was hoping it would. Basically bought it to loan out to my daughters boyfriends etc. Shoots 85 grain hollow points really well, very accurate.

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The Axis is underated and can be made into a fine rifle if desired. I have one in 223 that I did a little triger work on and can shoot dimes all day long at 100 yds (granted I do load my own) Its a good coyote getter and will shoot out to 300 yds all day long. Put a custom stock on one and a trigger and you get a heck of a weapon.

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Axis is a darn good rifle for the $. You really cannot beat it, and they shoot really well.. Triggers of the original Axis were not very good. The trigger on the AxisII are decent adjustables. If you find an older model, there is easy DIY to make the trigger MUCH better. You can cut a coil or better yet replace the stock trigger spring with one from a ballpoint pen. Just search Axis DIY trigger and you will find the info. Jsut be aware the stocks are, well, junk. plastic and soft so they flex a good bit up front. Some guys will replace the stock with a boyds, but they just had a hefty price increase for some reason. Went from $99 to $144 + shipping.


My last Axis went from 7.5# to 3.5# trigger with a spring swap that took me 15min. 10 of that was taking apart pens in the house to find the correct size spring!

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Great rifles for the money. Dicks has it for 199 after rebates for black Friday. A couple of months ago my walmart had the axis II with accutrigger for only 199 and then a 50 rebate on top of that. 150 bucks for a savage with accutrigger and weaver kaspa scope pretty good deal but it was in 243. Not a caliber I need

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Also if you are looking at budget guns don't count out the Remington 700 ADL. Heck of a gun for the price and still a 700 action. Remington is doing a 50 rebate on top of the low price. Walmart usually does 20% off for the three days after Thanksgiving. Comes out to about 250 for a Remington 700 with cheap but usable scope :-O

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Personaly I cut the coil on mine and did a bit of file work. Trigger is crisp and breaks at 1.8. It's a shooter and still has the original stock. It's kinda my toy but would put it against my best varmint shooter any day of the week. You can make the Axis a shooter with very little effort.

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