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Green Bullet

Attention 12a east hunters, lost pack and binos...

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3 days ago, Like a dipstick I set my pack and glass down and didn't walk more than 40 yards and wasn't able to relocate my stuff. I walked that area and then some in grids, circles, etc and couldn't find my for the life of me. I was in unit 12a east, took the 224 road down to the game trail road (220) and went south on the 220 right where it changes from burn to pine trees and junipers. I lost it at the top of a ridge glassing the northern facing side of a canyon. The area I was glassing from was burned. Maybe someone stole it right from under my nose but I'm hoping it's still up there and you late rifle hunters will find it. I can describe the bag, glass, and contents. Will make it worth your while if you return it to me as it had my core hunting stuff.





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