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Red Rabbit

A Disgusting 40%

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Just wonder how much $$$ the robo cost and what happens when you blow the heck out of the motor and electronics when it's shot. Cost effective??

$$$ shouldn't matter as much as catching a poacher. The robo was donated to G&F anyways. And I don't know what a fine is for poaching a deer but a robo deer costs $2500-$3500

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Hog, by your theory, When you put half a dozen wardens on one robo deer, who is doing the patrolling? Then there is less than one man for however much area you're talking about. Dyed in the wool outlaw poachers don't cruise the highways looking for their prey. Per the article in the Tucson paper, they're supposed to be after market hunters and serial poachers. They don't do that from the highway. The azgfd has a real credibility problem with a big part of outdoor community, in large part because of doing stupid things like citing kids for shooting sparrows, giving a poaching warden $100k, having their own undercover specialist embezzling a pile of cash, robo deer and because they have decided to quit being friends of outdoor people and to look at all tag holders as poachers that haven't been caught yet. I, for one, feel that if they would try to be a little nicer to folks and build some bridges back, they'd be able get more info on poachers from the rank and file tag holders than any kind of investigative work they could do. This robo deer is a waste of time and resource and does nothing to repair the real live alienation that has happened between the azgfd and the guys that pay their bills for em. I'd estimate that 90% of the diehard poaching is done by a very small % of tag holders. They need to focus on that very small group, and do some work to get back in good graces with Joe hunter. Not waste time with an electric deer and citing guys for real weak stuff. Lark.

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Shooting a fake deer isn't poaching. It isn't a deer. Quit trying to tempt people to break the law and go catch the ones that are doing it on a regular basis.

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From what I have heard...they can't cite you for illegal taking of game because its a fake deer. The citations issued are shooting from or across a road or shooting from a vehicle.

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That Alaska trooper show, that California game ranger show, that Maine trooper show. All the hunters in those shows are treated like Isis should be treated and 9 out of 10 times they're legit, by the law! Every state has a hard on to be on the networks and the bionic buck will bring ratings. It won't bring more wild life.

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.270 i hear ya trust me i miss the days when they would drop by camp and have some coffee with me and dad when i was a kid. But i am firm believer in them busting poachers anyway they can. It is sad how often it is a dad teaching his kid wrong and yes i do know all about that. Besides the g&f officer that about ran over me in 44a last weekend on the 71 (i was driving slow looking for dirt rd and he was doing around 85) i dont recall last g&f i saw in field.. Wait yes i do it was the interns stalking people along shoreline of black canyon lake handing out citations after glassing people fishing tbey would go check licenses, yep 10 people 1 pole that everyone touches you know the ones. L.O.L.


270 we are not all that far off in some of our thinking. ;) i do not agree with muxh ofbtbe crud they have done lately either! I always used to defend them but no longer can i. But im still down with them busting the folks that set out to steal from you and i.

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