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A Disgusting 40%

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I love the part about the poaching team and shipping the meat to the east coast to illegal restaurants. I figgerd it was just dumbasses, not the mule deer restaurant meat mafia. Now I'm really scared. Wonder if they troll this site? Oh no, the deer meat mafia is upon us!!! Lark

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^^^^^ that's funny!



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637 cases of taking wildlife without a license in 2014 is crazy never would of guessed that high. And those are just the ones that got caught!

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It's amazing how many guys that don't hunt or fish much end up with their pals on a dove or quail hunt or a fishing trip with no license. I would imagine scenarios like that add up to quite a few. Lark

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I want to make a robotic donut and set it off the side of the road in unit 27. I could see how many game and fish officers would actually get out of their truck. Then we could have a bunch of hunters run out and yell at them. Not sure we would actually catch any. never seen one out of his truck.

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Many years ago, AGFD opened a feed store in the Phoenix area at a time when Arizona's mines had laid off hundreds of workers, which happened a lot in those days. The first thing the store's "clerks" did was to hint to certain customers that they would buy game meat and trophy antlers, horns and capes year around.

Undercover agents also hung around Ajo, Clifton, Morenci, Globe, San Manuel, and Tucson and offered to buy fresh deer, elk, antelope, and javelina carcasses. I don't remember what they offered for the other species, but they were paying $50 for one javelina. The agents operated their sting for several months before they cited their suppliers in a much-publicized statewide "bust."

I got some flack over a column I wrote for the Tucson Citizen saying the sting was entrapment because no market existed for Arizona game meat, especially javelina, before the agents created one. As I remember it, most of the perps entered guilty pleas.

My critics who wrote letters to the editor claimed the guys who hunted out of season and sold game meat and parts were poachers who deserved to be hung from their thumbs and toes (or other peripheral appendages) and there could be no valid excuse for poaching. Period.

I still think I was right. It was unfair to offer cash -- no questions asked -- to out-of-work people, some of whom were having trouble feeding their families and facing a very real threat of losing their homes and vehicles.

Bill Quimby

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You were right Bill. The AZGFD was just as guilty as the poachers. They bought illegal meat. It is not the Govt's role to create criminals.

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Man that is a great ROBO decoy the G&F has in that video. I'm kind of impressed. I honestly have no problem with this program, if you catch poachers or guys breaking the laws, great!

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Bill, I find your post very interesting. Never understood how manufacturing criminals did any good. The true criminals are still running around while the bunny cops are taking bows and patting backs for catching some guy in a weak moment. I still feel they would better serve all involved by doing true biology work and focusing law enforcement efforts on the guys they know need busted. If they would spend more time congratulating successful hunters, checking tags and licenses cheerfully with a smile on their face and being true ambassadors of the outdoors, we probably wouldn't hear near so much negative stuff about the azgfd. Lark

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But leaving the poachers to be caught by the 1 agent in charge of HOW MANY SQUARE MILES is not gonna get the bad guys out of the field. I dont really agree with the weak moment theory, although i know that covers a few, most these people have it in their head exactly what they are willing to do that day. Biology is biology and law enforcement is law enforcement we need some of both i'd say. It is not that hard to grab a gun and step off of a roadway so not much reason to shoot from a vehicle unless of course breaking a law is exactly what intentions were.

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Just wonder how much $$$ the robo cost and what happens when you blow the heck out of the motor and electronics when it's shot. Cost effective??

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