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Arizona has done this in the past and think they should do it more, but using trophy caliber decoys to really gauge the dishonesty and lack of moral compass of some individuals, who choose to call themselves Hunters.

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I recall AZGFD saying years ago that they did not use trophy racks so that the guilty could not claim entrapment/coersion. Guess the police should use ugly undercover officers in their prostitution stings also ;-)

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They do not use Kia cars for the bait car program... They use nice cars . I do not see how the entrapment can be argued based on the size of the Rack ... A deer illegally shot is a deer illegally shot ... and yes the should use ugly women for their prostitution stings :wacko:

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I ran into 1 back in around 1990-91?? Think it was 90 off control rd and 260. So i had cow elk tag and father and i saw big bull elk in meadow just 80yards maybe, we stopped and looked at him and no movement, used glasses and dad said his leg is missing! We realized what it was and he says get out and go walk up to it so of course i said ok.. I grabbed door and opened about 3" when a g&f guy grabs door and says congrats you passed the test, HE SCARED CRAP OUT OF ME. L.O.L.


POACHING IS POACHING HOWEVER IT'S DONE so im glad they have ways of catching poachers without losing wildlife.

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LOL ...I had a similar experience in 3c around 95 ... but it was a big Tom in a meadow .. I grabbed the camera and headed to the only tree between us and the turkey decoy to try and get a good picture and my cousin ended coming up behind me. As soon as I zoomed to take the Pic I could tell it was a decoy and started laughing as I turned and waved around, knowing someone was watching. As we headed back to the truck, a blind dropped, and two LEOs drove out in their truck stopping to meet us as we got to the road... Similar response from them, about passing, but emphasized if my cousin had pulled his pistol and shot it would have been a different story. Me being a smart azz said, well once we know it is fake what if we decided to sight in on it , the guy laughed and said people have done that in the past and they were cited for destruction of State Property... The LEOs were both cool guys

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As long as this type of effort doesn't take away from the resources used to catch the folks already breaking the law, it is in "of course we should be doing it" category in my book.

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LOL ...I had a similar experience in 3c around 95 ... but it was a big Tom in a meadow .. I grabbed the camera and headed to the only tree between us and the turkey decoy to try and get a good picture and my cousin ended coming up behind me. As soon as I zoomed to take the Pic I could tell it was a decoy and started laughing as I turned and waved around, knowing someone was watching. As we headed back to the truck, a blind dropped, and two LEOs drove out in their truck stopping to meet us as we got to the road... Similar response from them, about passing, but emphasized if my cousin had pulled his pistol and shot it would have been a different story. Me being a smart azz said, well once we know it is fake what if we decided to sight in on it , the guy laughed and said people have done that in the past and they were cited for destruction of State Property... The LEOs were both cool guys


when I lived in NM I often saw a decoy buck as I'd be driving to the ranch. 20 years ago the robotics were pretty fake.

Come to find out a fellow got out of his truck and emptied an M1 into it. He won in court by telling the judge he wasn't poaching, knew it was a decoy then was gimme charged with property destruction.

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I have heard of a few guys that have seen the turkey up on the rim. I don't get randomly shooting at something. I guess people get excited but you have to have bad intentions to begin with if it is out of season. Not sure how people get away with entrapment?

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I have heard of a few guys that have seen the turkey up on the rim. I don't get randomly shooting at something.


you underestimate how many stone cold poachers there out there. like one step below going full cereal killer, creepy people

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I have heard of a few guys that have seen the turkey up on the rim. I don't get randomly shooting at something. I guess people get excited but you have to have bad intentions to begin with if it is out of season. Not sure how people get away with entrapment?

Do not think they only use them out of season ... I know someone pretty close ( never hunted with him) that lost his license during a Hunt he had a tag for because he shot from the vehicle on the road. He was told that he was the 5th person that day to shoot that decoy from out the window of a truck.

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I guess I don't know what they're trying to catch people doing? If it's public land, the season is open, it's a legal animal, and you get out of the vehicle to shoot, what's the crime? They ran one of those on our property a few years back looking for trespassing poachers. Didn't get anyone to bite though. In my opinion they didn't have a big enough buck. It was a 125" whitetail (eastern). The poachers in our country aren't even gonna hit the brakes for a buck like that.

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