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You ever see rutting in November?

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The rut is on year round at my house but some how the old doe doesn't seem to co operate. Amazing how when times are tougher Money wise they don't rut. Got lottsa Money ,Full rut...............BOB!

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The rut is on year round at my house but some how the old doe doesn't seem to co operate. Amazing how when times are tougher Money wise they don't rut. Got lottsa Money ,Full rut...............BOB!



matter of fact, i think you just motivated me to hit denim and diamonds tonight to check on the estrus cycle

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I once killed a mule deer buck in 31 during an early November hunt. His neck was swollen up quite big, but was running with a bachelor group. At the time I figured he was gearing up for the rut

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I once killed a mule deer buck in 31 during an early November hunt. His neck was swollen up quite big, but was running with a bachelor group. At the time I figured he was gearing up for the rut

i just dont know enough about chasing deer i guess. every deer we saw had these skinny necks, but i saw 2 bucks including the one we killed with a big ole rut looking neck. im curious if those big desert bucks ever get dumb during the later november hunts

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3x i watched different young bucks sparring during hunt last week but not aggressive at all like later just a little pre-PRE rut action



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Was down by tullie springs done south about 10Yrs back on the November hunt watched 100"++ bucks fight and then the bigger buck was mounted by the slightly smaller 4x4 for about 2 mins. Couldn't believe it , figured it was pre rut activity. They say peak is around January 18th. He'll there wild animals they do what they want.

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I watched a few coues bucks..

were talking about real deer in this thread, not them little baby deer ;)


Crap. I didn't even think to look at which forum, my bad I would have kept to myself then! Don't know much about mulies other than this guy was cruisin' solo last week.



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I watched a few coues bucks..

were talking about real deer in this thread, not them little baby deer ;)


Crap. I didn't even think to look at which forum, my bad I would have kept to myself then! Don't know much about mulies other than this guy was cruisin' solo last week.





im just giving you crap.



dang thats a nice one

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3 classes of Mule deer bucks I notice in November down south.

1. The spikes and forks that hang with the does because there still coming of age.

2. The bachelor herd 3x3s/4×4s that spars and occasionally checks on the does up in the hills about 20-30min before the heat of the day

3. The big ol Mack daddy buck that roams the flats all alone, when he spots another buck he attacks and pays no attention to the does. This same buck is usually found in velvet with the bachelor herd but breaks off come November.


December is a whole differnt ball of wax.


My 2 cents from my years of scouting.

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I guess we could add a 4th...every deer in between those stages ie the little forky in the bachelor herd that gets abused but refuses to join the does. Or the big buck of the bachelor herd that is extremley aggressive and starts to wander.

My definition of rut would be that bachelor herd joining the does full time, pushing off the forks and spikes and the big ol boy in the flats taking does for himself at all cost. And this I have only observed in Dec/Jan and even Feb.

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Was helping out a friend of ours past weekend and had decent 80 inch Coues sparing with a spike and running some does up the hill. Buck she finally killed had some pre rutting. Neck a little swollen. I think anywhere you go could be different than the next unit. If you take the elk rut into account who freakin knows. Good luck

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