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Bulls after the rut.

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I have a 22s late archery bull tag and have been doing a lot of scouting. During the rut I was able to find lots of bulls but now it's like they disappeard. I knew they would move but not like this! I have looked high and low north and sounth east and west. Not sure whats up? Do they tend to go to 22n 23? Guess all I can do is keep scouting. Still seeing cows just not as many.

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Maybe start glassing some of the thicker cover towards some canyons..You will be amazed how they hang up in that stuff.

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I agree with Vixen .... They often make their way back into areas you would have seen them while they were growing prior to the rut.... They have to start putting mass back on for the winter after losing a lot during the rut .... They will be out feeding more in the nights ( especially as the Full moon gets closer) and laying up in the timber conserving energy during the day. Will be plenty of Bulls on both sides of the 260 you will just have to work a bit harder. I would expect to see a little bit more daytime activity at the start of the hunt versus later when the moon starts filling up...

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