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shooting the wrong species

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according to this story there is a lot to be learned here. Assuming it was an unintentional mistake- I don't understand the need some people have to see others suffer for their mistakes?? Since when does a citation dictate and end-all cure to the situation. Sounds like the local needs to relax and start worry about his own issues and not others. Why does this local need any sort of satisfaction other than doing the right thing- which it sounds like he did.


Props to the GW for taking the deer and HOPEFULLY donating it as food to those who could use it.


In high school I broke a law at a party and was given a warning after being arrested- never broke that law again. - No citation was necessary- lesson learned. Doesn't work for everyone but hey that's life.

Always good to be a fast learner......

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Saw this happen before which resulted in the same outcome. People make mistakes. Why the local is upset is beyond me.

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Why is the local going up to someone else's downed deer anyway? If you didn't shoot it stay away from it. GW did the right thing. The local needs to mind his own business

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3 Questions

Why did the local leave his house when he heard shots from a obviously legal hunting area?

How do you help identify a deer? The obvious difference between a mulie and a whitetail is the tail. Having a whitetail tag only, the shooter s/h known that.

If the hunter knew the difference would he have reported it anyway if the local had not shown up. We cannot just assume the hunter was a bad guy. Like most of you have said, mistakes happen

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