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lazy slob hunters

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Here's a thought, although unlikely...Losers driving around (probably drinking), see fresh deer hanging in someone's camp, make moronic decision to steal the deer and drive off. Quick grab of the of the choice parts of the deer and dump carcass. Someone went to a lot of extra trouble, cutting off lower legs, cleaning gut cavity, taking head, etc. to just grab a few pieces of meat why even bother with that?


However, some people are just plain stupid and you can't fix stupid.

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No matter what happened, It makes us look bad as hunters and it is a waste of some really good meat. I think they knew what they were doing and just didn't care

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Maybe it was hit by a car and the rest of the meat was damaged. Who knows what the heck the real story is. A lot of you guys are sure quick to judge one with no solid evidence. Just saying.

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No it has bullet hole very front of chest no exit hit was about 2 ribs back from front of chest. 25-06 you are quick to make excuses and your own little story in your head so not really one to talk. I checked it out enough to see bullet hole,and if it was hit the whole rib cage would be blood shot and or broke ribs and legs especially if got smashed at high way speeds.

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This type of stuff shouldn make us argue amongst each other. We are hunters. We hear lots of stories. Soon enough the word will be out and someone will be caught. As long as we keep turning stuff in like this is all we can do.

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It's a hunting forum on the Internet everyone will never agree bc some think they are right every time no matter what just ask them. Lol you have people get completely side tracked thinking they can tell not a gun wound from a poorly angled picture and most likely the cleanest road killed coues off i17 lol. Moral of the story......... don't matter what people think when it's something you know, and that's fortune cookie quality right there

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welp, maybe it bounced out of somebody's truck at an inopportune time, then somebody else drug it off the road to avoid further road damage. sounds like a long shot, but i've seen an amazing amount of big game parts lying on the side of the road during hunting season, that appeared to have been unsecured.

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welp, maybe it bounced out of somebody's truck at an inopportune time, then somebody else drug it off the road to avoid further road damage. sounds like a long shot, but i've seen an amazing amount of big game parts lying on the side of the road during hunting season, that appeared to have been unsecured.

I found a whole bear in the middle of the Rd right in show low one time. It was fully skinned and all still in tact. I pulled over and the guy figured out he lost it and had come back for it. I helped him load it back up.


I'm guessing this deer was poached and they grabbed some of the meat and ditched the rest.

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