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195 grain berger 7mm mag

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Sure it may take a larger case to make the 195 'shine' but the 195 can make the 7mm rem mag 'shine' a bit brighter.


There will always be the argument of what cases are optimum for a given bullet whether it's the 308 and 208-215 grain pills or the 7 rem mag and the 195 grain pill. The point here is that the 195 will muscle up any 7mm that has the stones to make it exit the barrel.


It's not always about a cartridge doing a bullet justice. Sometimes it's about a bullet giving more justice to a given cartridge.


Now I will agree with C that the 195 isn't going to offer the 7 rem mag huge gains over the 180. The numbers aren't staggering in comparison. Better nonetheless but not to a large degree.

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.308nut summed up perfectly my thoughts.


Well of course it's gonna drift less. I "get" what you are saying but there's really nothing to "get". Fast twist is a given. Are we talking hunting or punching paper with 20 pound rifles?


Every bullet's peak potential is reached with more speed, to say that you have to use a case that holds 100 grains of water to see the benefits of this bullet is a bit absurd.


Of course there is a limit to everything, I'm not going to run a 195 Berger out of a 7 TCU.

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