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Anit Hunters targeting youth/females on FB hunting photos.

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I know some of you are not on facebook, which is fine, but it's worth everyone knowing that anti hunters are making a big campaign in which they are targeting hunting photos that are posted on State Game & Fish department Facebook pages. They seem to center towards youth and female photos where they are posting negative rhetoric comments but my observation is no hunting photo is excluded from their radar.


Case in point on our very own AZGFD FB page - https://www.facebook.com/azgafd


If you scroll through the comments under a photo of Miss Staci's elk hunt photo, you will quickly find several commentators posting in opposition of her hunting activity and success.



Same can be said for the young man that successfully killed a spike elk. He's received several negative comments towards his success in the field let alone generalized opposition to hunting, that honesty is pointed at you and me.



To me that's a cheap and pitiful tactic, and one that warrants attention from fellow sportsmen in opposing. The future generations are easily impressionable and we need not have a few keyboard chest-beater anti-hunters intimidate or shun them into giving up on hunting. Instead let's show some support and remind those hunters that they are in the right and need to be proud of their accomplishments.




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This be the world we live in .... However, it is their right and freedom of speech and it is up to those of us who do not agree with the Anti Hunters to chime in and drowned out the nonsense. Also a good teaching tool for parents to help kids understand there will always be haters so it is best to ignore them. If I knew my kid was going up on Facebook with a hunting pic, I would dang sure discuss the opposition that will come from it before posting.

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To be clear I'm not saying to stoop to their level but was asking for others go to and support the kids and hunters when you see such activity so they know that there are many more out there that endorse the activity, than those that dislike it.

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Unfortunately some of their comments border cyber bullying. Anti-gun/hunters never think of what they are actually saying or doing before vomiting their beliefs and to the world. Scum. If you read some of Staci's comments, she is actually replying to some of them and is not letting the negativity bother her. Good for her!


It is fun to point out how dumb they really are by replying to them though!

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Most anti's, and Liberal's, are keyboard cowards. They say many things, that would get them knocked on their butt in the real world. Nothing but cyber bullies.

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Fair enough. I go to those anti hunting pages and bas the liberals as well lol

Wait but that is a violation of their right of free speech. *rolls eyes*

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I love the looks I get from the anti hunters when I wear this shirt around.


I want that shirt

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I love the looks I get from the anti hunters when I wear this shirt around.


I have a shirt that shows a picture of a hunter taking aim, with the quote "If God Intended For Us To Be Vegetarians, He Would Have Made Broccoli More Fun To Shoot At".

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Liberals are 100% for free speech.... until they don't agree with it ....

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Im in the mood to pick a fight this morning... maybe Ill join facebook just to harrass the antis.

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Liberals seem to be a hateful and mean spirited kind of people in my opinion.

I have never met a happy nice or pleasant vegetarian they're always pissed at the world

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I love the looks I get from the anti hunters when I wear this shirt around.

I have a shirt that shows a picture of a hunter taking aim, with the quote "If God Intended For Us To Be Vegetarians, He Would Have Made Broccoli More Fun To Shoot At".

He would have made it taste better too!

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