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Wanted: Outgrown Boy Scout Shirt

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My 11 year old son just started Boy Scouts this month and needs a scout shirt. Went by the shop today and they want $60 for a new one (patches not included)! I just can't swallow paying that for a shirt he'll outgrow in a couple years. I was just curious to see if anyone in the east or central Phoenix valley might have an outgrown shirt they would be interested in passing along. It doesn't need to be in perfect condition.



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I would send you mine but it is so old and moth eaten. Check the thrift stores and you might find one.

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I would send you mine but it is so old and moth eaten. Check the thrift stores and you might find one.

Thanks, I've checked a few without much luck. It seems like it is pretty hit and miss with the thrift stores. When they get them in they don't seem to stick around for long.


My dilemma isn't that we can't afford the cost, I just get really irritated that they charge so much for a youth shirt. But that is only part of the problem. Let me preface this by saying I come from a scouting family and heritage, I am an eagle scout as was my father, grandfather, etc, and have served for many years as a scout master/leader. But the recent changes to the organization and their willingness to bow down to the PC crowd has me very bothered. I feel that they have compromised on some of the core long standing values of the organization. My wife, several friends, and I have had numerous discussions about our continued association with the organization given the direction change. I don't want to continue to invest my money in an organization I'm not sure that I still believe in.

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