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Junior Hunt Unit 10- Help! 2 days left.

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Hi everyone. I am new to the site. I was lucky enough to find it this week. We have been up here in Unit 10 for 8 days working on a junior AE tag. My son and I have been going morning and night. This area has got me stumped. There are hunters everywhere getting ready for the AE tags Friday. Every hole we have been staked at has been disturbed morning and night. Every place we have hiked our cover has been blown. We are desperate. My son has been putting in for years and finally was drawn. He has been such a trooper leaving at 4:45 am everymorning and coming in at 9 at night. We usually hunt the rim. Does anyone have any advice to help us out here? We have today and tomorrow left. Thank you guys!

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Try Perrin Ranch - Take Espee Rd West from Highway 64. Look it up in Google maps. Hunt the mountains and flats north of Dirty Smith Tank. My hunting partner and I ran into elk almost everyday that we hunted that area last December. Took home two nice cows.

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Are the bulls not bugling anymore up there? You could probably go out at night and cruise around until you find some bulls talking. Mark the spot and get in there before daylight next morning. Most likely there will be some cows around those bulls you heard. They may not talk after daylight so try and get on em early. Good luck and hope it happens for your son! Please post up pics after your hunt

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Camp 16 is to far to go for a cow.

Last December is not current.

Text me to nite .

I sent a friend with 3 youth tags and all tagged out by 10:30 first morning.



Ps. I wish I had seen this this morning.

Keep my number when he draws next year. You can get him tagged out in a day or 2. I always have the fresh pulse of 10 and 9 and will help out any youth hunter.

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We made contact! It's gonna be tough to figure out in the dark . But if He can find where I told him . They will kill tomorrow! I m going there Friday to kill 2 cows with friends!

Good Luck, Azroper go get'em!!!!

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This post has gotten me pretty excited for this young man and his father! I can't wait to check back in tonight, Good luck guys!

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