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Camp Navajo strikes again.

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I was looking for the minutes from the telephone meeting about the cancelation of my hunt and came across all the people who have to stand in front of the commission. The amount of 5 year sentences that are handed out for misinformation or poor decisions based off of incompete information is staggering. The commission made a bad decision based off of a misconception of 7 hunters being able to hunt, and it's brushed off.

I filed a complaint with the director and whether or not anything is done,I'm still pissed and fighting.

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Years back g&f handed me a unopened envelope with my elk application and my check still inside. They had a whole bag of apps that had been misplaced and mikey was 1 of the unlucky ones. :( g&f said some junk like they were gonna have a special drawing for those of us who had been "misplaced". No draw ever happened of course. You are a veteran you know how it goes!



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Guest 300ultramag.

it would be stellar if one year all of the people that paid for the auction tag bid 1 dollar. Out of principal for stuff like this that they could very easily address and make right. but they choose not to.



whats the quote they put in the regs...



...doing the right thing when nobody is looking



the old do as I say not as I do.

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