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Camp Navajo strikes again.

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regular hunting civilian tag holders have never been allowed to go into the restricted areas .to hunt-- you still need a regular background type check to hunt the depot as a civilain


seeing how they reduced the number of civilain tags - i highly doubt they will ever change the rules and allow civilian hunters into the restricted areas



now if an wounded animal gets into the restricted area from the buffer zone ,they have allowed a security escort to recover the animal


pretty sure that now civilians hired to work on the base do have access to the restricted areas for work and are usually monitored by base security but not for hunting-

I was unsure… The info I got was from military working at the base for the past 13 years. He said that with a further in-depth background civilians could access the restricted zone. I really don't know… was just regurgitating what he had told me. He did explain the reduction in civilian tags. They have developed a true veterans program there now. Wounded warriors and veterans have preference, active enlisted have the same chances as civilians now.

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i'm pretty sure they mean "retired veterans" as they can get clearance for restricted areas too. i dont think any veteran will get preferernce before active enlisted --i'm a vet and doubt i'll get preference lucky to even draw when i diid

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Been there done it for cow elk. No problems, just told to go to the west side instead of the east. Filled 3 of 3 tags with no problems. In aprrox. 2007.

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i'm pretty sure they mean "retired veterans" as they can get clearance for restricted areas too. i dont think any veteran will get preferernce before active enlisted --i'm a vet and doubt i'll get preference lucky to even draw when i diid

The 2 people I know that are enlisted and work out there said that as active enlisted they have the same exact draw odds as a civilian. Preference goes to veterans (yes I think he mean retired) and wounded warrior. This all stems from a "battle between camp navajo and AZGFD. Camp Navajo wanted no civilian hunts. AZGFD said no problem but then no hunts at all s those animals are state property. As a result the structure of every single hunt now allows for vets and wounded warrior preference then active enlisted and civilian get the rest.

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So, Game and Fish giveth and Game and Fish taketh away. Talked to Camp Navajo to get the details about what I needed to do to hunt. Did I need a new tag or was the one issued to me still good. Imagine my surprise when I was informed that Camp Navajo had canceled 3 hunts including mine. They had requested all 3 hunts be rescheduled. Somehow or for some reason, The Great Commission only approved 2 of the 3. I don't know if it was a mistake during the meeting or it was for some other reason, but MY hunt is the one that wasn't rescheduled. I am now out the 148.00 to Game and Fish but also the 65 to Camp Navajo. No refunds! IT IS WRITTEN! This is why I will never put a hunt on Camp Navajo in for the draw. Not sour grapes, but I refuse to lose my bonus points to risk that the entire hunt.

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Yes. They allowed the limited area to be hunted. 7 hunters not allowed. Talking with game and fish, mine not being rescheduled was ammisunderstanding.

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I just spoke with the director of the game branch, the decision was made to not allow 7 tag holders hunt because 14 archery tag holders with a hunt the same week who could go inside the limited area still got to hunt. They made a mistake. Oops,oh well. Still mad over here.

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just the way they want it - depot never wanted civilian hunters to begin with - whom were not employed


kinda giving them what they want negative civilian feedback so less numbers will apply next yr.


I lost my money one yr when they started enforcing leftover rules - kinda whom ever the new commander is at the time gets to make changes as he sees fit, some are and have been anti hunters


I couldn't even get g&f to give me an OTC tag to make up for the fact I paid for an elk tag and they had my money and it wouldn't really make any difference on the hunting areas not like I was asking for a refund- lol


you might try to speak at the next meeting and get an OTC tag but I wouldn't hold my breath

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As a consumer/customer I have never felt so taken advantage of, with no recourse. After I read the good news from the meeting I went ahead and bought some of the gear I was looking at buying. Calls, broadheads, recovery gear and nocks. About 400 in extra crap. Then the other shoe fell. "I'm sorry we made a mistake, however there is nothing we can or will do at this point.", is the answer I got. I take all the risk, I make a mistake, I lose. They make a mistake,I pay. Buyer beware is all I can say. Montana, Colorado and Idaho are looking better and better to me.

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Guest 300ultramag.

just a missed opportunity to provide customer service. Oh well they will get your dollars next year and the knows it.

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totally lame. wow.

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