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Wifes First Archery Elk

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Archery elk season has come and gone. My wife and I had a great time on her hunt. We did not kill that big one that we were after but she ended up killing her first elk.

I was able to go up early and set camp up and scout for her a week before the season would start. With camp set in place and trail cameras set up I took off to do some of my own scouting. I was checking different ares and soon had a small hit list.

These are a couple pictures of bulls I was able to get pictures of.






I found my self on a little hill one evening looking for elk 3 days before the season. I was working my way around the top of the hill when I spotted this antelope out about one mile. It was acting very distraught lifting its legs up and down ect.?? He was out in the open and was looking towards the woods. So i looked in the woods and out to the other side of the wooded section. And I see a cougar out in the this big open flat. The cougar had a freshly killed antelope in its mouth and was dragging it off towards the wooded area. I was in augh. I have hunted for a good numbers of years. I have never seen anything like this. It was like watching Nat. Geo. on tv.

The following day I went to town picked up a cougar tag and was back out there with a friend and with dogs. We quickly found the spot where I saw the cougar go in the night before. When we went in the cougar was still on the kill but it ended up being a mom with kittens not a tom. So while my buddy was pulling the dogs off I quickly switched my weapon out to my camera and took a couple of Pictures.







Though I did not get a tom it was a incredible experience. But now I had to turn my thoughts back to the elk hunt and scouting for elk.

By the opening day we had found some bigger bulls and we found our selves going after these bulls. We had a couple of 350 class bulls that we were after. I had my wife on them several times at 30 and 35 yards. and once we had the bull at 25 chasing cows in front of her. It was in the thick stuff and was not able to get the shot off. How frustrating to have them this close to see antlers feet but no shot opportunities.


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By day 11 we changed our tactics and went after a bull that was on our hit list. This bull was showing up at a tank so we went and sat for the night. We had 5 small bulls come in that night all were 3 to 5 pointers. Renee passed on all of these bulls. The next morning we were up by 3 and sitting on a different tank. We had planned on sitting the whole day there.

Around 7.30 we had a 6x6 bull come in. he came straight in and started to drink. Renee pulls her bull and the bull does not offer a shot so Renee let down it appeared that the bull caught some movement and took off running. Five minutes later the bull comes back in with four cows. this time he took a different route and offered Renee a standing broad side shot at 40 yards. One hour later we found ourselves standing next to her bull.






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I have to give Renee alot of credit. She is a trooper getting up early every day passing on elk. Though we did not kill the big one We had a blast. I would not take anything away from it. Cant wait till we get drawn again.

Sorry to be long winded






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What an awesome write up with pix to go along! Congrats to your wife on a great looking bull, thx for sharing!

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Great write up! So cool that you got so close to tagging a lion! Very cool pics of the cubs!


Congrats to your wife on getting it done on her bull!

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Loved the story and the pics, quite an experience. Congrats to Renee and you, that's a great bull.

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