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Your chances of getting a wet bite are going to be better trying to kill it than just leaving it alone. Especially when they back into brush. If your going to shoot them, at point blank, is introducing another safety factor. If you get bit just walking out in the sticks the chances of being struck by lightning are almost the same. 9 times out of 10 if not tampered with it is probably going to be a dry bite. The head after decapitation is extremely dangerous and the snake is very capable of injecting a fang in with full dose of venom without its body. The statistics show that the biggest percentage of people bitten are the ones messing with them without experience, even then your still chancing a bite no matter what experience. I think they are better off left alone in the wild. Different story around the house. I have came across people beating a rattlesnake to death in roads and stop and ask them if they have their hunting license. They almost all the time reply "No for what?" I would tell them for killing the snake. They would say that they didn't know you needed to have one. Guess one could be a real ***hole and turn them in, but that's not who I am. Just sayin

This explains a lot. When us kids were toddlers, folks gave lil sis the rattlers and me the head to play with.
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Anhhhh rattler snakes! Worst experience was while quail hunting in Oct. about 10 years ago. Heard my friend up and over a small hill shoot. So I ran to the top and while I was cressing the top I came up to a rattler to fast and he struck and hit the barrel of my gun. I jump back like cat like reflex and except the part of landing on your feet. While falling back my elbow hit the ground and the butt of my shotgun hit and the gun fires ( scary). I looked up and no joke the snack started slithering right towards me about 2 feet from my foot. This is the part when a grown man starts screaming like a girl. After I got away with lots of cuts and scratches from pushing myself away and while screaming I finally got up and shot it. Funny part after that while taking a knee and my hand and legs are shaking I look up and see a grey fox coming my way.. Took him out! It was my first fox ever. Maybe he was coming to investigate the high pitch girl scream I was doing and he Probably thought I was a dying rabbit :)

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So I hear all the time about "dry bites" , but have never actually known anyone to get a dry bite. Every time I hear of someone getting bit, they are in the hospital afterward getting anti-venom. So I ask, do any of you know anyone who has been dry bit before?

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Your chances of getting a wet bite are going to be better trying to kill it than just leaving it alone. Especially when they back into brush. If your going to shoot them, at point blank, is introducing another safety factor. If you get bit just walking out in the sticks the chances of being struck by lightning are almost the same. 9 times out of 10 if not tampered with it is probably going to be a dry bite. The head after decapitation is extremely dangerous and the snake is very capable of injecting a fang in with full dose of venom without its body. The statistics show that the biggest percentage of people bitten are the ones messing with them without experience, even then your still chancing a bite no matter what experience. I think they are better off left alone in the wild. Different story around the house. I have came across people beating a rattlesnake to death in roads and stop and ask them if they have their hunting license. They almost all the time reply "No for what?" I would tell them for killing the snake. They would say that they didn't know you needed to have one. Guess one could be a real ***hole and turn them in, but that's not who I am. Just sayin

This explains a lot. When us kids were toddlers, folks gave lil sis the rattlers and me the head to play with.
sure as heck does explain a lot. Lol
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So I hear all the time about "dry bites" , but have never actually known anyone to get a dry bite. Every time I hear of someone getting bit, they are in the hospital afterward getting anti-venom. So I ask, do any of you know anyone who has been dry bit before?

yep, my brother Tony got a dry bite about 30 years ago. We where all just teens back then doing a backpack trip up in the rincons. He ended up being fine.

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There will usually sometimes be a trace of venom, but most of the times your denims keep most of it from contacting the skin. Snakes will also more than likely induce a wet bite when they are shedding due to there lack of vision and some of there senses.

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i ain't ever heard o' anybody gettin' bit, wet, dry, semi-arid, any kinda bite, after you make it's head disappear with a 12 gauge. Lark

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i ain't ever heard o' anybody gettin' bit, wet, dry, semi-arid, any kinda bite, after you make it's head disappear with a 12 gauge. Lark

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dang this thread! Now I'm hesitant to go quail hunting next weekend

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Border Patrol, after they had us step out, because of the guns on the seat,

thats the scariest thing ive read in this whole thread.
living down south here it's not a big deal. Gotta keep them borders secure. Or at least try.

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