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joe hunter

NRA vs liberals

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If you like your guns and your gun rights you better be a NRA member ! I don't know of any other org. that goes toe to toe with big brother like they do. Saw on the news today where Obama is saying congress needs to take a look at.....gun rights.... not gun laws, as in change the gun rights. I say if you let them get a foot in the door it will never stop.


I'm sure when Obama was giving the interview he had a lot of people around him with auto weapons just in case his safety was in jeopardy . They like to laugh it off (spin it ) and say ...oh my, you won't lose your guns...I say B.....S..... just look at some of the places in America where they can't own a gun......Don't put it off send them some $$$ and become a member or lay down like the liberals hope you do.

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I would like to take away the "Freedom of the press". See how they like it. They would be squealing like little pigs.


One of the biggest problems we face, is the Liberal media.


Obama will be bypassing Congress, very soon, with executive order.

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I would like to take away the "Freedom of the press". See how they like it. They would be squealing like little pigs.


One of the biggest problems we face, is the Liberal media.


Obama will be bypassing Congress, very soon, with executive order.



I will be by passing Obama


Shall not be infringed.

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I was talking to a guy the other day about gun rights and he said he would never give up his guns if it ever came down to it. I told him well you are married, you have two kids, a house to pay for , a good job and everything else that goes along with being a middle class citizen in America. If they ever made guns illegal and a felony for you having one I bet you would give them up in a second when they came to your house and threatened you with felony arrest and jail time. He said..... you are probably right.



Think it couldn't happen ? if you do your living in a bubble just like M Jackson was. Just like immigration in America people can complain all they want but when it comes right down to it Govt's. going to do eventually what they want to do......NRA !

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Guest wdenike

Wow, guess the sheep mentality runs as strong as I was fearful of.


Take care, Willie

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The Fed does what it does, because we let them. A weak, complacent, and overly civilized society.


I have lost more than a mortal man should have to. The 'Man" won't be taking anything from me, without consequence.

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If you like your guns and your gun rights you better be a NRA member ! I don't know of any other org. that goes toe to toe with big brother like they do. Saw on the news today where Obama is saying congress needs to take a look at.....gun rights.... not gun laws, as in change the gun rights. I say if you let them get a foot in the door it will never stop.


I'm sure when Obama was giving the interview he had a lot of people around him with auto weapons just in case his safety was in jeopardy . They like to laugh it off (spin it ) and say ...oh my, you won't lose your guns...I say B.....S..... just look at some of the places in America where they can't own a gun......Don't put it off send them some $$$ and become a member or lay down like the liberals hope you do.

No offense but you're not looking very hard.


Don't let me stand in your way: if you want to send NRA $25.00, they will be happy to use that money to print fundraising letters to send to their Life Members, encouraging them to give more and 'upgrade' their 'Life' membership to an 'Endowment' membership. When those members send in more money, even more fundraising letters will go out. Wayne LaPierre will get paid his 7 figure annual salary, and people will see the might of NRA.




  • No compromise lobbying will actually be getting done by Gun Owners of America.
  • Your rights at the state level will be almost solely advanced by Arizona Citizens Defense League (assuming your an AZ resident)
  • Lawsuits against unconstitutional CCW/gun owner infringements will be funded by the Second Amendment Foundation, not NRA

To recognize NRA insofar as their relation with other gun lobby groups:


  • NRA was Johnny Come Lately to the D.C. Heller lawsuit, and pretty much stole the credit for the Chicago lawsuit.
  • NRA withdrew their opposition to the failed Disclose Act, after a sweetheart amendment added to the bill would have d*cked over GOA and the others and left NRA the only viable RKBA organization at the national level
  • NRA is a distinct and legally separate entity from NRA-ILA, which actually does what little lobbying and lawsuits that they can actually boast. "Giving money to NRA" does little to actually overturn unconstitutional gun bans or defend gun owners in righteous cases in court.

If you live in Arizona, you should contribute to Arizona Citizens Defense League. The greatest threat to your rights is coming from Bloomberg and his fellow elitist thugs who are seeking to put the same de-facto gun registration on gun owners that they successfully pushed for in Washington State last year. AzCDL is the organization that brought you Constitutional Carry in Arizona as well as a host of other state-level protections to your rights.



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xnt, I don't knock ANY org. that stands up for the 2nd amendment and gun rights. I am 100% for all of them, it's just I am a NRA member and as long as the anti gun crowed and all the liberals in America and as long as Obama keeps getting on TV and saying the NRA is standing in their/his way I don't care what the NRA does with my $25. Seems my little contribution is helping a tiny bit and I feel I got my moneys worth.

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I used to get emails from GOA all the time. Unfortunately, the only thing they ever contained was NRA bashing and why I should send my money to GOA instead of the NRA. Just how the Anti-gunners like it.

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xnt, I don't knock ANY org. that stands up for the 2nd amendment and gun rights. I am 100% for all of them, it's just I am a NRA member and as long as the anti gun crowed and all the liberals in America and as long as Obama keeps getting on TV and saying the NRA is standing in their/his way I don't care what the NRA does with my $25. Seems my little contribution is helping a tiny bit and I feel I got my moneys worth.


I see where your coming from Obama and his state-controlled, thug media allies love to hate NRA. When NRA can boast 4, 5, and maybe someday 10 million it says something, i guess. However, please keep in mind that most of the actual boots-on-the-ground fighting for your rights is going on with organizations other than NRA.


I contribute to the aforementioned entities: AzCDL, GOA, and SAF. If being an NRA member means a lot to you, I would recommend only contributing the minimum amount to be considered a member, and look into some other organizations that are actually suing/lobbying with the money you contribute, not just using it to do more fundraising.

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I am a life member of the NRA and they keep asking for more money. When they make Zimmerman their poster boy, which is an embarrassment, they aren't getting another cent from me. They jumped into that pile of crap blindly and then had to deal with the stink. It keeps coming back every time he is in the news again with gun issues. So I agree I am now supporting other gun causes more than the NRA but I won't say not to support the NRA.

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If Hillary or Sanders gets in or any of those liberals we can bet they will be going big time after ownership firearms much more than they already are, and they've already started their aggressive push with Obama at the helm. That guy Jay Parini posted some article and it was the most ridiculous uneducated idiotic anti gun ownership article I've seen in recent times...we need to start fighting against all this, even more than we already are, and we need to have started that battle yesterday...make sure folks you know are voting b/c every vote will count against another 4-8 years of this mess


This is the crap that guy is writing:

There is no safety in gun ownership. Only threat.

So let's get rid of guns in this country, once and for all, making it a felony to possess a handgun or assault rifle. Over a period of years, illegal guns will gradually disappear. Guns don't kill people, as they say. People who acquire guns -- legally or illegally -- do. And we should make it extremely difficult for them to get their hands on these weapons.

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If it wasn't for the NRA we wouldn't be having this conversation.Our guns would already be gone.If they are not helping our cause then why do the liberals hate them so much.

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