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22 s muzzleloader

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How was this hunt, any feedback on bulls harvested and size, curious about the quality of this hunt, thanks

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Lots of what my buddies and i call Idaho wall hangers. Not many typical AZ Bulls this early in the year this low.

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I was hoping one of the 50 tag holders or someone who helped on the hunt this year could give a report, but i appreciate the reply, thanks.

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I helped on a hunt this year and too many hunters and helpers to truly enjoy the hunt plus your dealing with 90 degree temps. If your looking for a great meat hunt then this could be the hunt for you but don't expect to see any bulls over 330 unless you scout a lot and even then you might only find one or two. There is a few in there but after opening day they shut up until end of the hunt. People will hunt on top of you and don't care so prepare for that mentally though this happens everywhere now. We killed the first morning and got out of the craziness and we're just looking for a great eater.


We didn't hunt the wilderness areas which I would do next time but there won't be for my hunting group.


Good Luck.

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