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So calling works...

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My quest to call a bear in started many years back when I met a couple of guys who had called multiple bears for themselves and others. As we become better friends and hunting partners we would squeeze weekend hunts in during the years that we had elk or deer tags and in those off years we would try and make that our hunt. We killed bears but never as a result of them coming to a call. The thrill of calling is always exciting whether your calling in a big bull elk or a fox. Your beating that animal at its own game. So we always had fun… Something would always show up. Getting buzzed by golden eagles while we sat on a rim. Being run over by a coyote thinking he was getting a free meal. Fox ending up in your lap. skunk sniffing my ankle. There was always something to keep it fun and exciting but on the same hand ever so frustrating. They made it seem so easy when they told their stories. You would believe that there had to be a bear behind every tree. Every call such high expectations. I could just imagine seeing that bear work its way in. Maybe even run in on the call. My buddies getting up there a little in age were losing there motivation a bit. So when I came up blank with the elk, antelope and deer draw this year (so did they) I gave them a call and told them I was planning on hunting bear again. They just didn't seem excited this year, busy with family or a problem with a foot. I was determined and was going to set out solo this year. Life is busy and the season opener crept up quickly. I was completely unprepared. No food prepped hadn't packed anything. I got off work Thursday with the plan to be in the woods that night. Well 3 kids, grocery shopping etc… put and end to that. Not off to a good start. Was able to grab some groceries late Thursday night and through my gear in the truck ( it was just me I don't need much). I was up at 430 friday morning and out the door. I was going to be to my spot in unit 8 by sun up. That all went as planned. I arrived and set out. My first call I had something below me that I was never able to see and when the wind shifted I all I heard was it blow out of there. Second call I hear some crunching… I get ready and to my surprise a big bull elk steps out of the oaks. Minutes later his ladies filter out and are standing 10 yards in front of me wondering what the heck I was and why I am screaming. I work along a little further and set up for another call. This time I see a bobcat coming out of a cut below me. As fast as I see him then he would disappear. Over the course of 40 minutes he eventually came into 10 yards but kept oak and cliff rose between us as he paced back and forth. I finally just tried to force it and buggered him out of there. I headed back to camp for a nap. That evening I headed in the opposite direction. The evening started out with a whitetail doe coming into the call. When I stopped calling she would start to walk off and the moment I hit the call again she would come charging back. The next few stands all came up blank. I had one more chance for a set up. I sat down gave one blow on the call and there where literally 2 fox on top of me. They had to be on the other side of the bush when I set up. Scared the crap out of me. The sun set on another day. Back to camp for a quick bite and in the sack. Saturday morning came with promise. In the day before I saw lots of sign in one location. That was my staring point for the day. Well it turned out to be the day of the fox. Stand after stand and fox after fox. Every time they were on top of me. Its thick and I usually didn't see tim until they were 5 feet away and every time had my heart skip a beat. The day was long and I worked hard. At dark I set out for the 2 mile walk back to camp. Screaming headache from dehydration I trudged back to my truck. Long night with an awful headache I did not get much shut eye. As the day began to break this morning I didn't want to get out of the sack. I knew that I was only hunting for a couple hours today and just had a feeling. I had done the work. I knew that there were multiple bears in the area. I just had to get my butt out of the sack and go do it. No quitting! I had a plan and I was going to stick with it. I headed out to a spot on a rim that gave me a beautiful view of the world waking up. I sat down for the first stand of the day. Again what comes in on top of me another fox! As I watch him move off once we made eye contact I look back down into the opening below me. I literally think to myself that burned stump wasn't there before. I threw the glasses up and holy crap It is a bear! I watched as this bear came in for over 150 yards. I have no idea how far it had come before it broke out of the brush. Slowly and cautiously I watched as it took a step and looked then smelled the air. Slowly it kept coming. At about 30 yards it stopped. I could feel the thermal on my back as the air pulled down into the canyon. Nose in the air all of a sudden it turned and started heading back the way it had come. This was my one chance. I stood found the bear in my scope. Now about 40 yards out. Bang! It dropped in its tracks no sound no movement. I could not believe it. As excited as I was I woke everyone I knew up at 630 am to share in my excitement. My wife couldn't come out. My one buddy had to watch his young son. My other buddy who had lead me on this path and had a hurt foot shared my excitement over the phone. Ok… Looks like I am on my own to get down there and get it back to the truck. I got down there and got to work. SoSo pics as I was alone. I started to peel the hide off to cool it then jumped into the real dirty work of quartering and gutting it. Just as I am peeling the last quarter off I hear a very familiar whistle from up on the rim. It was my buddy! Injured foot and all. I hung up with him and even though I told him I had it. He loaded up and made the hour or so drive out to camp. Knowing the area I was in he headed out and surprised the heck out of me. Not only was it nice to have help. It was incredible to share that moment with a friend that started me on this quest. I literally would not have been out there if it was not for him. We finished with the bear loaded all the meat, hide and skull into our packs and began the push up and out. I could see him limping with every step. I asked repeatedly to take some weight. Don't know that I could have… it was a heck of a heavy pack already. We got out of the canyon now it was an easy walk across somewhat flat forest. At the very least it was UP! We got to the trucks just as the rain started and were able to get out before the road went to heck. It taped out at about a 6 foot square bear. It was heavy. Guessing around 200 or so live weight. It was all I could do to move it on the canyon side by myself. In the end my family and friends get to enjoy some of the finest eating wild game out there. Bear roast and tamales all winter! Again sorry for the so so pics, excitement, exhaustion and simply being the only guy there. they are what they are. Thanks for reading.





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Congrats! What a cool color in its back! Great write up

my bear 2 years ago was cinnamon with a blonde strip down its back. Apparently its a trend!

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Nice write up. That's totally awesome. Love hearing stories of sticking with it and it paying off.

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