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13 Year Old Humbly Schools Loudmouth

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I am not one to wait until 3 weeks before a hunt to start load development or shooting one of my guns for the first time all year. But we went out to Ben Avery this morning to get some last minute shooting in to verify everything was ready (along with finalizing load development of my cousins and son-in-laws rifles).


Now, I am not one to call someone out on their BS at a public range in front of others, but some jackwad next to us was shooting his mouth off and making all kinds of excuses and claims today. He was shooting his, and I quote, "$15K Tactical sniper .338 Lapua". Claims were along the lines of: Most accurate round ever developed, most accurate gun (his) ever made, making shots out to 1K look easy, and his longest to date was a 2200+ yards 6" group.......yada yada yada. Full 5.11 gear, pants, shirt, boots, hat.


When it started raining, he said the 300 grain bullets would not deflect nearly as much, but still up to 3", in the rain like other rifles, and was laughing at the "futility of hunters out here shooting in the rain, as they cannot be accurate in the wind and rain with the bullets being deflected up to 12" at 100 yards."


Taylor, my 13 year old daughter was getting ready to shoot my .25-06 Ackley hunting rifle at 100 yards. He was shooting a group of about 4" @ 100 yards. Well, I was telling Taylor not to worry about the rain, it would not affect the bullet flight at 100 yards. The guy pipes up and starts telling her not to worry if she couldn't hit the target. Well THAT pissed me off. I told him I bet my 13 year old daughter would outshoot him. He scoffed, which I think pissed Taylor off too.


I told him 3 shots at 100, and 3 shots at 200. I said we would be switching guns to shoot 200, because we were just verifying POI for her hunt in 3 weeks. He agreed....


He went first, with a 1.9" 3 shot group at 100 with his .338 Lapua.


Taylor shot this 3 shot group with my .25-06 Ackley @ 100 yards with him and two of his buddies watching through his Swaro spotter....




We went back to 200 yards. When I pulled out the 6.5, it looked like he swallowed a bug.


He went first again, claiming his rifle "tightened up" at 200 yards, as the bullets "went to sleep and became more accurate". He did shoot better. A 3 shot, 3.2" group @ 200.


I told Taylor to just relax and shoot like she always does. No hand torque, breath slowly, squeeze lightly.


It was all I could do to keep a straight face when we walked out to the 200 yard target and verified all 3 shots were on target (He kept saying he thought she missed the 2nd shot off the paper). I told Taylor in front of him, "You dropped the 3rd shot a bit, but it is good enough for deer hunting in 3 weeks. We will go out next week to shoot a bit more and practice to make sure you are ready."




I swear, his buddies hammered him for getting beaten by a 13 year od girl. I told him she beats me and my brother on a regular basis, so don't feel bad. Then we started talking about the 6.5SLR, and he was just shaking his head.


I will give him this, he really surprised me at the end. He shook Taylor's hand as we were packing up and told her she was a great shot, and he was going to have to tell all of his other buddies to look out for her on the range, she was a shark.


So yeah, I think the rifles are ready for deer season in 3 weeks.

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Great job Taylor!!!!!!!


Gotta love the 5.11 range guys.....

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I will be honest. That is probably the best group my .25-06 Ackley has ever put down. My personal best is .31".

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That's great awesome job way to shut him up my daughter can out shoot all my buddies and she is not afraid to let them know it good luck on your hunt

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Great story! I was out at Ben Avery on Saturday to zero out my rifle as well. Met a couple nice people. Glad I didn't see any jerk offs.

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Awesome story. So nice to see big mouths put in their place! Especially from a 13 year old girl. Way to go Taylor! And way to go Dad!

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