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Eagle mountain ranch

How about those Devils

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I sure wish direct tv had the PAC 12 network it sucks not being able to watch all the games


The PAC 12 Commissioner should be fired. there are like 200,000 people watch PAC 12 network.... the SEC has 2.3 million.... we wonder why PAC 12 sucks and hasn't won jack crap in years.

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I sure wish direct tv had the PAC 12 network it sucks not being able to watch all the games


The PAC 12 Commissioner should be fired. there are like 200,000 people watch PAC 12 network.... the SEC has 2.3 million.... we wonder why PAC 12 sucks and hasn't won jack crap in years.

The commish needs to quit being so greedy! He's hurting the conference more than helping it by not coming to a deal with Directv
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Where was that Devil team last week!

4 turnovers last week. Self destruction. It was ugly

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No ASU posts this weekend, what gives?


No picture of the standings...hummm something fishy going on on CWT...


As a UA fan, needed ASU to win... Utah has the Pac 12 South all but wrapped up now. Stanford and Utah will be a good match up

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well Red, lets see, both teams are 2 - 2 in conference. One team has played 5 patsies (5 - 2) and the other has played 3 (4 - 3). One team has zero quality wins and one team has one. One team has already faced 3 quality opponents from the Pac12 South, USC, UCLA and Utah (1 - 2) and one team has faced 1, UCLA (0 - 1). Both teams have had to deal with injuries to key players. One team does not get a bye week until the end of the season. One team has a brutal Nov schedule that will probably define their season. The other team's season has probably already been defined. More importantly, both teams have not performed as their fan base had hoped and their coaches and players are probably more than aware of the grumblings that have been communicated through social media.

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grumblings that have been communicated through social media.


I have no dog in this fight, but this brings up a great point. NO LOYALTY anymore. seems like if a team/coach does not produce a win every time suddenly their job is on the line. And this mass media monster getting people fired for having a bad season (Harbaugh & 49'ers anyone?) Ughh, just gets old.

I am a Hawks fan, we are playing terrible this year, not happy one bit but Not calling for Carrol's job, nor will I. Being a fan means riding thru good and the bad years. Being a Hawks fan I am decidedly NOT a 49'ers fan, but I was disgusted with the sports media bashing Harbaugh all year long on a witch hunt, even during non 49'ers games they would blather on about it. It honestly is completely disrespectful.


K off soap box.. Back to instate College bickering! (We do the same up here with UW/WSU!)

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Lamrith, next time why don't you try to read even more between the lines than you did in this instance? Please share with me where I said anything about LOYALty or coaches jobs being on the line or either team having a bad season? Thanks.

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Lamrith, next time why don't you try to read even more between the lines than you did in this instance? Please share with me where I said anything about LOYALty or coaches jobs being on the line or either team having a bad season? Thanks.

You never did, I was making a tangent point. I could tell that you are a loyal fan, just got me thinking how rare that has become when you mention the grumblings on social media...

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well Red, lets see, both teams are 2 - 2 in conference. One team has played 5 patsies (5 - 2) and the other has played 3 (4 - 3). One team has zero quality wins and one team has one. One team has already faced 3 quality opponents from the Pac12 South, USC, UCLA and Utah (1 - 2) and one team has faced 1, UCLA (0 - 1). Both teams have had to deal with injuries to key players. One team does not get a bye week until the end of the season. One team has a brutal Nov schedule that will probably define their season. The other team's season has probably already been defined. More importantly, both teams have not performed as their fan base had hoped and their coaches and players are probably more than aware of the grumblings that have been communicated through social media.


So Devil, you don't think Stanford is quality, but you think UCLA is?


Not saying ASU has not had injuries but UA has lost their QB and 3 starting LB's not to mention one was the best defense player in NCAA....


Looks like both team will be playing for a trip to the Sunbowl

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ASU's season is shot. Not going to win the south, likely have a few more losses looming. I'd like to see Graham start planning for next year. Bercovici is a good guy but not the one year wonder Devil fans had hoped for. IMO, it's time to start grooming one of the blue chip freshmen QB's waiting in the wings. The sooner the better.

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Red, if you would READ my post you would see I referenced the Pac12 SOUTH. Last I checked, Stanford was in the NORTH!


Order of importance, win Pac12 south, win Pac12, make playoff, win natl championship.


Asu has had their share of injuries. Starting safety has missed 5 games. Starting RB was out 3 games with mono. Leading RB was out last week against UT. The list goes on and on. Scooby is a great player but he is not Superman and would not have been able to single ha deadly reverse those two blowouts. Didn't Solomon get benched last week and QB2 saved them from getting upset by Lowly CO?

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