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joe hunter

Obama is PO'ed

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One more year of this America hating, terrorist loving, Marxist, butthole.

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One more year of this America hating, terrorist loving, Marxist, butthole.

and then what? I "hope" for a "change" but I won't hold my breath til it happens.
Anyone is better than this doucher

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Chris Mintz.... Single father, student, Army doggie, runs toward the gunfire to stop a madman, takes 7bullets...

Imagine if he could have carried a gun???...

I wonder if he'll get an invite to the White House like that little terrorist boy with fake bomb?

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One more year of this America hating, terrorist loving, Marxist, butthole.

and then what? I "hope" for a "change" but I won't hold my breath til it happens.
Anyone is better than this doucher
Anyone except Hillary Clinton

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We cant keep dwelling on and lending credit to liers. I don't care that he is the prez he's lying. We should immediately prove them false and move on. This is part of their strategy to throw info out that they know is false then talk in circles around you. Stop giving them what they want.

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Umpqua Community College is not a gun free zone. These students just failed to exercise their rights. This is the perfect scenario where more guns would have saved lives. If a handful of armed students would've opened fire on this guy he wouldn't have stood a chance.

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