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Great book on elk

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It's a must have if you're an elk fiend. Best big elk book I know of. Great pics and stories to go along with them

I'm sure lots have it, but if you didn't know now you know.

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If anyone has a copy laying around please PM me and let me know what you want for it and thanks for the link trphyhntr it may be worth but I just can't do their asking price.

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If anyone has a copy laying around please PM me and let me know what you want for it and thanks for the link trphyhntr it may be worth but I just can't do their asking price.

its gotta be the most comprehensive collection of big elk. all the famous ones, and pics and short stories of george straits bulls, jack nicklaus is in there too.

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I would be real interested in a copy as well. Just not a $65 copy

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