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Green Bullet

7mm rem mag components

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hey guys,


as mentioned in a previous post, i'm going to start reloading.


i heard good things about the Berger 168gr hunting VLDs so lets consider that the starting point.


what powder, brass, primers, and load are you guys using? i was going to buy the Berger reloading manual and start reading up on the details there but if i can get a head start with your best known methods that'd be appreciated.





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I've heard good things about the 168 vld on rl22.

Personally I haven't developed it to perfection yet but I shoot the 168 vld on imr 4350. I can't remember the charge amount. I keep it under a moa with that load to 350 yards.

Might take a look at h-1000 on the 168 or 180 vld.

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Powder, primer and bullet is a graduated or ladder test. All will act/print differently. The barrel harmonics all vary with load, just start ladder test and see which group size is best. Anything you do like open or close break while test will have affects. I use RL22 with 168 VLD with CCI BR2 primers somewhere in the 62 range, using Nosler ABLR 168 powder is low 63 range.

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I've been working on a load for a Tikka 7mm mag I picked up this spring, and just this past week finally got it figured out. It will be different for every rifle but my recipe is:


168gr Berger Hunting VLDs

71.0gr Retumbo

Norma brass

Federal Premium Gold Medal Large Magnum Rifle (215M) Primers


These primers seem to be the toughest of these components to find right now. If anyone has 200-300 extra to sell, I'm looking. I'd be willing to buy or trade some large or small rifle Federal Premium Gold Medal primers.

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168 Berger hunting vld

70.6 of h1000

Rem brass

Cci 250

.005 off


I really had great results with Hornady 162 sst also

71gr h1000

.020 off


Both loads were on the top end, no pressure signs in my rifle, but obviously could differ for other rifles.

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I had basically the exact same load Craig is working with and it worked really well. But continuous tinkering has me shooting this one now.


Ramshot Magnum 70gr

Nosler LRAB

Nosler brass


Ball powder sure does make loading easier and a little quicker. Also do yourself a favor if you still have to buy brass and buy the Nosler stuff. You will get already prepped brass (flash hole, trim, mouth) that is really great stuff.

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162gr SST and bthp have worked great. Also 160gr Bonded boat tail bullet of "Un named" manufacture has done me good too. Using winchester LRM and surplus wc860

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I just finished a bunch of load testing for my 7mag using 168g vld. If you email the customer support address from bergers web site they will send you all the recommended loads (no need to buy their reloading manual). In my research, it seemed RL22, H1000 and Retumbo were some of the most commonly used powders. I settled on 71.0gr of Retumbo. I'm getting just under 2900fps from my 24" barrel. You could prob get that bullet going a bit over 3000fps pretty easily. I settled where I'm at because it's shooting so well.


When using the vlds, the seating depth is important. Berger will send you the intel on how to find the right seating depth for your particular rifle. I tested the way they recommended and 0.04" difference made a noticeable difference. My best seating depth turned out to be 0.01" off the lands.


Most important, that vld will slap a deer! That's why I switched to it. I haven't downed anything with it myself yet, but the last two coues that my bud took with it had nice holes in them!

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Winchester brass

CCI 250 mag primer

64.2 gr. RL22

168 Berger HVLD

.0040 Jump

2945fps from a 24" barrel

About .8 MOA (Best I have seen my cousin's rifle ever shoot though)


We are about out of time, with his mule deer hunt in less than a month, so we are done tinkering for now after a couple months of leisurely load development.

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  On 9/28/2015 at 6:19 PM, roninflag said:

Green that looks like a big buck in the pic. looks cold too. where?


southern Indiana last year. Muzzleloader buck...freezing cold...right when that Alaskan freeze blew through the country...

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