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Rut action

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Just wanted some feedback on how it was for you guys this year. I had unit 1 last year on this early archery hunt. I have been in that unit almost every year since about 1987 either hunting myself or helping out someone. For me, last year was by far the worst year of rut activity I had ever seen there. Did have a couple mornings with some bugling but only a couple. Evenings were a bust overall and I talked to a lot of others in the unit that had the same deal. This year, I was up there again helping someone and it was better than last year but nowhere near what I would call an average year for the unit. Of course there are pockets here and there that are a little better some days but it was just never the intense rut fest that it uses to be each and every year. I'm not sure what is contributing to it. I know that we used to have freezing temps a lot of the nights during the hunt and the aspens were always changing colors. This year it never froze once and the leaves hadn't even began to change. My thought is that with the late summer type weather, the elk just simply are not as deep into the rut. I know they will rut regardless but maybe the temps drastically reduce the intensity and vocalization during the rut? Please give your opinions and your experience with whatever unit you had. Thanks.

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Getting some bugles in 7 east this morning.

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Elk were bugling on the hill above my cabin when I went outside at 4:30 this morning to get something out of my truck.


At about the same time last week a couple of wolves were howling by Badger Pond, just below where the elk were this morning.


It's a great time of year. A few aspens are starting to turn to yellow, and now that the summer crowds are gone, we're seeing elk and deer all over Greer.


Bill Quimby

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I agree this is the worst rut activity I have seen in a long time, it seems warmer then usual for this time of year. The rain we have had didn't cool things off, it rained and the next day was back to being warm in my opinion.

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Rut was on just not wide open, If you got close to a bull with cows he was going to fight you.



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7W has really kicked off this week. Last weekend, only saw one bull with cows. And some big ones were bachelored up or alone. This weekend, different story. BIG bulls with huge harems, bugling like crazy, was hoping to film some throwdowns.

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7e had a fair amount of bugles. I only got close enough to 1 bull with what appeared to be 1 trailing cow. It's tough to get close though with your 3 year old in tow talking and stepping on every branch and pipe cone.


The bull was average at best. 3x3 or small 4x4 maybe. He was calling though alot.


We also heard a bunch of shots last night around dusk. I hope someone or two cashed in at the water hole south of me. We heard 6-7 shots pretty close by.



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Out friday evening in 7w and bulls were ripping it up!

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