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Peta has openly referred to themselves as "media whores". They will literally do anything to grab head lines and draw attention to their cause. And with the hollywood moguls joining them and dulling out political advice which millions of facebook chumps then 'like' and share to other facebook chumps, this kinda crap can either fizzle out and be nothing or spread like a grass fire. They treat it like throwing darts: if you throw as many as you can as often as you can, you'll end up hitting a few bullseyes.


Anyone remember cecil? this monkey us just the next dart being tossed.

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PETA and HSUS don't expect major victories, or even a victory, with each lawsuit they file. They expect to change public opinion by dribbles and drops. So far, it looks like they have been winning.


HSUS's Wayne Pacelle, one of the leaders of the radical animal rights movement, was introduced as "the CEO of the Humane Society" on Fox News the other day and treated as if he were the voice of reason.


Never mind that the Humane Society of the United States operates no animal shelters (the American Humane Society does that) and spends very little of its huge warchest on animal welfare, Pacelle is a clean-cut and well-spoken man who knows how to get media attention.


Unfortunately, I don't see any spokesman for our side with similar attributes.


Bill Quimby

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gonna open up a whole new branch o' the legal system. monkey lawyers. the lerner and rowe guy looks like a monkey, so he'll probly be first. Lark.

That was a good one....I needed a good laugh today :D :D :D

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Holly monkey poop, so if animals can own property how do they pay taxes. Its the end of the world as we no it.

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