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Ever seen this.

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I've never seen that before. The bite/sting/injury hypothesis could be possible. That could cause tissue damage. It could also include a secondary infection after the bite/sting/injury which could cause inflammation.


Here's a link to 'Bullwinkle syndrome' which is bacterial according to the article. But your buck's swelling is much less severe.




If you've watched it for a couple months and it seemed to stay the same, I'd discount the Bullwinkle thing and stick with the bite/sting/injury hypothesis.


We're just spit ballin' around the campfire here. If you find a more definitive explanation, let us know.


Thanks for posting.

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maybe he's just ugly? or a wino. i know a wino that looks like that. there is so much weirdness in nature that there ain't no tellin' what it is. maybe bee stings? hornets? rhinitis? Lark

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